Posts Tagged: leadership

DorobekINSIDER: VA deputy CIO Warren leaving

Stephen Warren, who has served as the deputy chief information officer for the Department of Veterans Affairs for more than seven years, will step down from that post later this month, GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER has learned. LaVerne Council, the new VA CIO, made the announcement in an e-mail to staff on Thursday. Warren is known forRead… Read more »

What Kind of Leader Are You?

There are three types of leaders. Each is successful in a different context, says Dr. Michael Maccoby, a renowned business advisor who is both an organizational psychologist and anthropologist. And you need all three on your organization’s top management team. Drawing on nearly five decades of research and experience in both government and the privateRead… Read more »

7 Ways to Survive and Thrive a Reorganization

What is the word that inspires the biggest groan from government employees? That’s right, reorganization. When you work at any level of government, agency reorganizations can hit like a hurricane, leaving us feeling like we have been buried under a ton of debris. As today’s government works toward adopting a more agile and businesslike environment,Read… Read more »

9 Ways to Prime and Prep your Promotion

Imagine today is the last day at your current job. You checked out the link at USAJobs and realized the offer letter is real and you have received your promotion job offer letter. It is a great feeling to know that after countless hours of resume writing, editing, and interview practicing that you can reapRead… Read more »

What Your Body Language Says About Your Leadership Skills

The way you hold yourself projects subtle clues to those around you. Whether or not you’re aware of it, you’re providing ideas about your trustworthiness, openness, and social stature. We all take on certain body language cues depending on how we’re feeling. If you’re feeling confident and in charge, you’ll naturally expand to take upRead… Read more »

9 Books To Change the Way You Work

After a long day at the office, the last thing most of us want to do is sit and read a book. But reading in the evening, especially before bed, can actually help you de-stress, get more sleep, and even improve your overall cognition. In addition to all of these benefits, the right book canRead… Read more »

The Compliment Sandwich Must Die, and Other Lessons on Leading From Your Level

“Hey, Eric! Nice bow tie. By the way, your performance at last week’s meeting was terrible. That’s a sharp suit you’re wearing!” What you just read is known as a “compliment sandwich.” And Virginia Hill from the Partnership for Public Service explained in the session she led with Jonathan McGee on leading from your levelRead… Read more »