Leading and Empowering Your Employees
How can you empower your employees?
How can you empower your employees?
Check out these few simple ways to hone in your leadership skills.
As a first-time manager, the key is simply to start with the basics and keep on learning and adapting over time. Here are tips on how you can grow in your first management role.
At some point during their careers, most managers will face the difficult task of dealing with an employee who consistently falls short of goals and is facing termination. And while the decision to fire someone is never easy, it’s even more challenging when it involves an employee who initially showed promise or who’s especially passionate… Read more »
“Hey, Eric! Nice bow tie. By the way, your performance at last week’s meeting was terrible. That’s a sharp suit you’re wearing!” What you just read is known as a “compliment sandwich.” And Virginia Hill from the Partnership for Public Service explained in the session she led with Jonathan McGee on leading from your levelRead… Read more »
Leaders teach more than they tell, and they pay knowledge forward without hoarding information. Effective leaders stand in front of their teams and demonstrate the organization’s desired norms.
If you have ever had to say, “I’m sorry” to someone at work – for “dropping the ball,” missing a deadline, or saying the wrong thing, you know how awkward and difficult it can be. Apologizing to friends and family is hard enough; telling a coworker, staff member or boss “I’m sorry” can be downrightRead… Read more »
We have all heard the phrase “Change is Good.” But is it? Change can be good; however, making a change without regard for those affected by it, is a recipe for trouble. When a leader tells employees about a change instead of involving them in the change, a team’s work quality, morale, and motivation suffers,Read… Read more »
The traditional leader is seen as a charismatic hero, a lone figure, towering above the rest. These are seen more in the military or business worlds – Gen. George Patton, auto executive Lee Iaccoco, computer guru Steve Jobs. But in reality, the success of a leader depends on the context, or environment, in which theyRead… Read more »
I enjoy idioms and the richness of our culture that creates them—and none seems more apt for our current situation than “it is time to face the music.” We have long since passed this point and the current litany of woes facing our country can be traced back to our collective reluctance to face theRead… Read more »