Current State Assessment Ahead? Get Ready to Rock the Boat!
Assessments of the “current state” are an important element of a change initiative. Here are five tips to make these assessments effective, positive experiences.
Assessments of the “current state” are an important element of a change initiative. Here are five tips to make these assessments effective, positive experiences.
These days leaders are on the hook to be more transparent — because in many ways they don’t have a choice. The best advice, then: be intentional about how you are being transparent.
More times than not, change will come your way, and not the other way around. So, how can you influence its direction and improve your agency?
How can you prepare government to lead change? Develop your strategic thinking by learning and experiences to set goals based on the environment and risks.
In systems theory, the world is made up of interconnecting systems that influence one another. If governments are considered a type of system, how do other interconnecting systems in the world influence them?
To prepare the government to lead change, it is critical to provide opportunities to educate, explore and experience leading change through creativity and innovation.
Change from one system to another is a huge organizational undertaking. When technical and non-technical teams communicate change goes much more smoothly.
Good communication is at the root of all successful organizational change. When done well, staff support the change and help their organizations evolve. Let’s talk about how to communicate well in times of change.
To successfully engage organizational change, we need to be aware of the challenges and be prepared to deal with them professionally and confidently.
If you are going to consider an SES position within the next 5 years, you should begin to think about the ECQS and your experience. What’s your favorite or best ECQ? Consider the these basic tips for thinking about your leadership qualifications and preparing to write the five ECQs. ECQ #1 – Leading Change: ThisRead… Read more »