Posts Tagged: learning

A solution to “not enough time”

Rachael Happe, groundbreaking co-founder of The Community Roundtable, has just written an incredibly important post entitled, Communities – The New Strategic Imperative. I urge you to read and consider it. Some managers and executives I know have expressed what I’ll characterize as desperation at the speed at which things are running, and the fact thatRead… Read more »

How the Music Affects the Wood – by Mark Leheney

Readers of this blog know I like to play the electric guitar (I turn it up to 11), and I like Arlington Fretworks. Proprietor and craftsman Daniel Carbone repairs and builds guitars there. I have written previously about his standards of excellence being off the charts. (One client wrote that he would trust himRead… Read more »

Scottish councils embrace flexible working to cut costs

The Improvement Service in Scotland is delivering an ambitious project to help Scottish councils use flexible and agile working to help save money. Spearheaded by City of Edinburgh, Scottish Borders, West Lothian, Fife, Aberdeenshire and Argyll and Bute councils the project will deliver a range of online tools and hands on advice designed to helpRead… Read more »

A Socratic Method Learning Experience

by Peter Berking (ADL) Peter has an M.A. in Education from UC Berkeley and has led Instructional Design efforts for over 15 years. Peter has designed and developed a wide range of training products ranging from technology-driven courseware and human performance design systems to instructor-led courses. He teaches classes in computer graphics at Northern VirginiaRead… Read more »

ADL’s Future Learning Experience Project

Today marks the first day of Advanced Distributed Learning’s (ADL’s) Future Learning Experience Project, a major new effort from ADL that returns our organization to its roots in Applied Research & Development in the learning technology space.For those unfamiliar with what ADL is, it is an initiative out of the Office of the Secretary ofRead… Read more »

Activating Your Social Media Second Team

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” Who gives that big social media presentation if you can’t make it? If you get pulled into another big project and can’t take on that client meeting, who do you send in your place? If you’re on vacation, who picks up where you leftRead… Read more »

Stop Learning the Hard Way, Part 1

A couple weeks ago, my seven-month old son started having all the tell-tale signs of teething. So what did my wife and I do as first-time parents faced with a fussy infant? Well, we felt like we had a few options: Look it up in one of the 36 books we bought about babies. CallRead… Read more »

Lessons in Collaboration

When we speak of collaboration we often talk about the benefits of serendipity or emerging leadership, but within the confines of the current public institution, complete with Ministerial accountability, perhaps we speak about it too much. My underlying worry is that proponents of collaboration do themselves a disservice by failing to engage in a debateRead… Read more »