Posts Tagged: learning

Free Webinar: Harvard Kennedy School – Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation – Government Innovators Network

Check out this page: “A Dialogue with the Drug Czar: Crafting the Obama Drug Strategy” September 10, 2009; 6-7 pm (EDT) ~Webinar. Registration required, and free of charge.~ This online event, sponsored by the Harvard Kenned School and the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), offers a unique chance to share your ideas thatRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Practical Guide Principle #3 – Appropriate Calls to Action #OGI

Here’s Principle #3 from my new practical guide to Gov 2.0 – Appropriate Calls to Action The unique value of government 2.0 is engaging the voice of community members, but in the beginning it can be difficult to get people talking within a community. There may be a lot of lurkers, but not a wholeRead… Read more »

A Practical Guide to Enterprise 2.0 (#e2conf) – 10 Principles for Success

We’re at the Enterprise 2.0 conference this week, and we’ve released a new guide to help organizations in the public and private sector make sense of social networking for the enterprise. Enterprise 2.0, despite the term, really encompasses all of the social networking and other Web 2.0 technology as it applies within the workplace. IfRead… Read more »

Is Social Software the Answer to Government Onboarding & Offboarding?

It may be hard to believe, but in some Government departments, the rate of attrition will reach 50% over the next five years (direct quote from a Government HR professional). While this retiring group will do well to bring down Government deficit loads, it requires agencies to imagine how to more effectively onboard with allRead… Read more »

Social Media for Gov’t conference: vibe in the room last year vs. this year

Chatting with fellow ALI conference attendees Andy Krzmarzick, Ari Herzog, Maxine Teller and John Stauffer after today’s sessions, I made an observation about this same event one year ago vs. today, plus a hypothesis about why this difference might be. Observation: last year’s conference had an excited – almost giddy – optimistic energy about socialRead… Read more »

Attending Transparency Camp or Gov’t 2.0 Camp? Watch this video first!

Attending an unconference like Transparency camp or Gov’t 2.0 Camp? They will be unlike other conferences. They’re called “unconferences” because the format is really different. You won’t be coming to sit while others lecture, occasionally asking questions. Rather, you’re expected to participate and share. Even if all you “know” is the questions you have toRead… Read more »

‘Even if you’re on the right track you’ll get run over if you just sit there.’ Will Rogers Here we are collaborating like mid-day mad-dogs and, as Katrina and the Waves said, ‘Don’t it Feel Good’. Pardon the buzzwords but, I think collaboration can become one of our core competencies. As we learn lessons andRead… Read more »