Posts Tagged: Lily

Living on Lilypads!?

Japanese scientists, engineers and financiers have already charted their course and set sail on the botanical city. Forget about that tall building in Dubai, and picture a 3,330 ft. tower and a vertical farm (complete with cornfields and a livestock ranch) floating on a concrete lilypad in the middle of the ocean. By the yearRead… Read more »

How to Ace Short-Answer Questions on Federal Job Applications

From Lily Whiteman of “How to Land a Top-Paying Federal Job” by Lily Whiteman. The book is available on here. Lily’s website is HOW TO ACE SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS ON FEDERAL JOB APPLICATIONS No matter what rung on the federal career ladder you are currently perched on, your application for your next federal jobRead… Read more »

Book Review – How to Land a Top-Paying Federal Job

Have you ever gone to a bookstore and sorted through all the books about getting a federal job? Well I have and I want to let you know they are all horrible. Basically, they are all scam books re-purposing content that is available for free on sites like Further, most of the authors haveRead… Read more »