How to Get the Most Value From Linux
How can you get the most out of Linux? Should you go for the free software or vendor-supported? Should you go at it alone or take it enterprise?
How can you get the most out of Linux? Should you go for the free software or vendor-supported? Should you go at it alone or take it enterprise?
In this blog post, we define the terms and explain the connections of a modern software factory.
The difference today, of course, is that Linux and open source software in general have evolved from a “hobby” to preferred solutions for many organizations, including government agencies.
This blog post was written by DLT Solutions’ Matt Micene, Engineering Team Lead for the company’s blog. You can visit the full blog by clicking HERE. —– With Mil-OSS WG4 over and 2012’s Red Hat Government Symposium kicking off on Tuesday, my mind naturally wanders to topics such as “The Open Source Way” and howRead… Read more »
A few people expressed interest in this conference and asked me to report back on it. So here’s my blog: I didn’t catch any talks directly related to government. One interesting talk was on implementing mobile applications in health care using open source SOA tools and libraries.
I just saw the new on Microsoft’s new “pricing plan” for its “free” online version of office. While working my way through grad school doing consulting for a medium sized business, I see once again the “incompatibility creep” being introduced in the new version of office. Since the company uses Open Office – I wonderRead… Read more »
With all the government spending going on lately, it’s good to see a little sensible belt-tightening. This might be a good one to watch for a case study on cost savings (we assume) in switching to open source.