Posts Tagged: management

Performance Management Reporting

In my previous post I outlined a 4 step process for a successful performance management program. to recap: 1. Report performance metric data on pre-defined schedule. 2. Analyze data for troubling trends or missed targets. Operationally research root cause of problems. 3. Provide corrective action for metrics where target was missed or data is trendingRead… Read more »

A Public Sector Performance Management Methodology

Performance management and measurement have taken on a number of different meanings with regard to application in the public sector. In some cases it’s regarded strictly as data reporting and in others it takes on a more qualitative form. It may be useful to start a dialogue on coming up with an actionable, consolidated setRead… Read more »

What does ‘transparent’ mean for government?

Republished from eGovAU. eGovernment, or government 2.0, is often discussed as a means to create greater transparency in government. However has there been a clear definition of what transparency really means for government in Australia? At the furthest extreme transparency would be like living in a glass house with glass furniture – everyone could seeRead… Read more »

The Future of Search Engines?

The debut of Wolfram/Alpha, a computational knowledge engine, perhaps provides a glimpse of what is to come, with respect to the future of search engines. Wolfram/Alpha not only displays data graphically, unlike traditional search engines, but also displays data relationships to what is being queried. In it’s current state Wolfram/Alpha may not displace Google anytimeRead… Read more »

Dabbling in written arts & technical wizardry – part 1 of 20 series

Dabbling in written arts & technical wizardry – part 1 of 20 series National Writing Examiner, Donna L. Quesinberry Defining yourself as a writer involves introspection and self-awareness. To develop positive characteristics, and deliver uniquely satisfying written products, whether a novelist, journalist, technician, poet, or business writer… is to be a dabbler of the writtenRead… Read more »

Six aspects of capture – pre-proposal preparation that makes a winning difference

Bidding on government opportunities without proper capture planning is like taking a pile of $100 bills and going to a pool hall to play against the local pool sharks. In government proposals, just like in the pool hall, there are those who know what they are doing, and those who don’t. Those who know whatRead… Read more »

Web 3.0 and the Virtual Proposal Manager, part 2

Web 3.0 and the Virtual Proposal Manager, part 2 from the Government Business Examiner, Donna L. Quesinberry Meeting planning, an active component of the proposal management experience, encompasses the virtual scheme. Remote workers (even if a proposal shop is available on-site at a client location) are showing up everywhere and they aren’t going to goRead… Read more »

Free National Emergency Alert System

Well, we really don’t have a unified national alert system that is able to alert the population, first responders, law enforcement, etc, in case of natural or man made dissasters. So what did I do about this? Well, I got together with a group of homeland security and IT security professionals and designed a systemRead… Read more »

Important Report on Latest Trends in Federal Proposal Management

There are trends and drivers in government proposals that companies need to know about to acquire and maintain a winning edge. People have to either keep up with the trends in the fast-changing government contracting market, or get out of the game altogether because their chances of winning go down exponentially. I put together aRead… Read more »