Posts Tagged: management

Peer Networking and Certifiable Communicators

Commensurate with the explosion of information technology has been the critical need for local governments to be focused on a coherent message while being nimble in dispersing that message over an ever-expanding network of communications opportunities. Many municipalities and counties are becoming aggressive in their aim, but are still limited by their resources and vision.

What You Need to Know Before Setting Boundaries at Work

People often avoid setting boundaries in their professional lives. Maybe you think that setting and protecting boundaries at work will make you seem like someone who is difficult to work with or who isn’t committed to the job. But, without boundaries, you don’t know your healthy limits—and neither do your coworkers or manager.

NextGen Keynotes Announced!

The Next Generation of Government Training Summit is less than two months away and we hope you are as excited as we are! Not only will you network with over 800 federal, state and local govies from more than 75 organizations, you will also participate in interactive breakout sessions and hear from these expert government keynote speakers: ARead… Read more »

Confessions of a Bad Supervisor

My own inability to control certain problem children in the past has, directly or indirectly, led to my own staff being reduced from seven (full and part-time) to one (plus contractors). And, that’s ok. Perhaps that’s a bad thing or perhaps that has led to finding the workflow “sweet spot” for my department’s activity. That’s… Read more »