Millennials in Leadership: 3 Best practices To Navigate The Generation Gap
Learn how you can be a better millennial govie.
Learn how you can be a better millennial govie.
My own inability to control certain problem children in the past has, directly or indirectly, led to my own staff being reduced from seven (full and part-time) to one (plus contractors). And, that’s ok. Perhaps that’s a bad thing or perhaps that has led to finding the workflow “sweet spot” for my department’s activity. That’s… Read more »
Want to have a successful career? Be a great leader? Help your team and organization perform better? No matter what your current position or future goals, there’s one thing that will impact your career even more than competence or expertise – they way you treat others.
Everyone thinks they want to be a manager. But what does management really entail? Check out these seven things you’d have to do if you were to become a manager at your organization.
Each generational group has different expectations with regard to work, how they expect to get it done, and what they expect to get out of it. The key to being a good manager is understanding and working with these differences.
Here’s what virtually no government manager knows about their job.
With the numerous retirements and the hiring of newer employees, the workforce is going to look very different in the next five years. It is important that organizations have a simple ways to start retaining valuable knowledge.
Engaging your team for that time will not only allow them the space to relax and clear their mind for that time but will continue its impact in job satisfaction even after the ‘fun’.
There often comes a time in a scientist’s career when he or she must face a difficult reality: in order to continue to grow professionally, he or she must transition from a life at the bench to a life at the desk, from managing experiments to managing people.
Everyone is capable of demonstrating urgency, but most organization are filled complacency. Learn for steps to create true urgency.