What Should You Do If You Hate Your Boss?
Consider this scenario: You dread going into work not because of your daily tasks, but because you can’t stand your manager. Many of us have been there at one point in time.
Consider this scenario: You dread going into work not because of your daily tasks, but because you can’t stand your manager. Many of us have been there at one point in time.
You can turn a soul-crushing performance appraisal into an opportunity to engage your staff. Make it an interactive conversation that energizes both you and your employee. My team and I have used the following format for performance feedback for over a decade. We use it for both glowing appraisals and tough reviews
Dr. Ellen Stofan joined me on The Business of Government Hour to explore her role, NASA’s science priorities, efforts at promoting science, technology engineering and mathematics (STEM) education, and space science successes. Here’s an overview of our conversation.
Over the past week I’ve been talking about the rise of toxic leaders. Of course, the best way to deal with toxic supervisors is to not to hire them in the first place. Your next best option is to move them out of roles responsible for other people ASAP. A great way to do this… Read more »
Training is a useful tool, but it’s just that – a tool. The apparent need for training can mask a deeper problem – unclear expectations. When employees don’t know what you want, smart people create processes that don’t work.
If you have not yet considered whether or not you are supervisory material, reflect inward. Ask yourself why or why not. Challenge yourself to grow.
What I didn’t realize before starting my first managerial position was how much the role of a manager equals teacher.
Find out 11 ways to approach co-workers in your office who lack or have weak digital literacy skills.
It’s almost always worth focusing on what your office could measure because measurement influences nearly every aspect of operations and communications.
Work teams, like athletic teams, require different talents and strengths. These four roles are crucial when building an effective, Olympic-style work team.