Posts Tagged: management

3 Things Your Millennial Leader Doesn’t Want to Hear

Millennials have been active in the workforce some time now, and they are moving into management and leadership roles in government and in private sector. With the advent of the millennial leader, expect changes. A new generation almost always means new rules.

Can You Help a Low-Performing Employee Improve?

At some point during their careers, most managers will face the difficult task of dealing with an employee who consistently falls short of goals and is facing termination. And while the decision to fire someone is never easy, it’s even more challenging when it involves an employee who initially showed promise or who’s especially passionate… Read more »

Building Resilient Teams

No matter how savvy, smart, and cooperative your team, challenges can shake up any rhythm, discourage those involved, and derail progress. Resilience is the secret to learning from mistakes and growing stronger after a major challenge. Building resilience starts with team culture.

Time to Let That Problem Employee Go

One way or another problem employees affect everyone. Somehow they continue to slip through the cracks and the government has fallen into this very web. But rest assured, bad governmental employees can be fired and, in some cases, should be. Stewart Liff argues we should even do it more often. Liff, President and CEO ofRead… Read more »

Managing Government Funds

As kids we were beyond ecstatic when we heard that extra change jingling around in our piggy banks. We may have used the extra cash to treat ourselves, but the main goal was to keep as much money in the piggy bank as we could, for as long as possible. Unfortunately, government doesn’t function inRead… Read more »