Posts Tagged: management

The Federal SES Performance Guidelines Have Begun – Is Your Agency Ready?

In some instances, particular critical elements and performance requirements of senior executives may already be part of the system. If not, or if tweaks or modifications are required, simple configuration changes can be made to accommodate the new elements. It can be as easy as flipping a switch, rather than the historical long, drawn-out process.

Nani Coloretti on Pursuing an Opportunity Agenda at HUD

As the HUD Deputy Secretary, I help the department achieve its mission by focusing on effective operations and crosscutting policy and program issues… if we build a stronger HUD by improving leadership, accountability, transparency, and focusing on better resource management, then we’ll be better prepared to successfully achieve [our strategic goals.

5 Easy Ways to Get Your Team to Trust You

When you’ve earned your team’s trust, they can achieve greater success together and individually. They’ll work more collaboratively and accomplish tasks with greater efficiency. When they know they can put their trust in you, your team will be more likely to support your decisions and bring their full enthusiasm to their work.

Woman Code: Leadership 102

In a previous blog we discussed three key factors that participants in the Brookings Executive Education (BEE) Women’s Leadership Network (WLN) felt helped them face challenges in the workplace. After a few inquiries we decided to continue that discussion with BEE Executive Director Mary Ellen Joyce, PhD. After five years of WLN, Joyce has heardRead… Read more »