Posts Tagged: management

City On a Hill: Turning the Dreams of the Past into the Reality of the Future

When America’s founding fathers created the framework for government, they wanted a system to inspire the world. They sought to make the United States “a city on a hill” that would inspire democracy, equality, and liberty. Achieving this dream has been an uphill battle. Yet, the resources we have today could make the climb easierRead… Read more »

Military Orders Process vs. Project Management Methodology

I thought I’d share our blog by Dan Stober on “Military Orders Process vs. Project Management Methodology”. As a project manager, Dan served as a military officer and he identifies the parallels between the military decision-making process (MDMP), the orders production process, and project management doctrine prescribed by the Project Management Institute (PMI). Link toRead… Read more »

Why “Do More with Less” is Wrong

For government managers faced with restrained budgets, hiring freezes, and new mandates, the pressure to do more with existing resources has gained widespread traction. “Wrong” is a bit of an overstatement, but for one government leader, the notion of “doing more with less” misses a central point. Last week, Rafael Borras, Under Secretary for ManagementRead… Read more »

Memorable Management Moments

There’s quite a bit of discourse regarding management. From Forbes and the Harvard Business Review to TED and the countless how-to books out there, various resources are advising us on how to become a better manager. While there are many experts providing great advice, I don’t actually look to a Forbes columnist to tell meRead… Read more »

Moving Forward on the New Management Agenda

This article was originally posted by Dan Chenok on the IBM Center for the Business of Government blog. OMB is leading efforts across agencies to develop a Management Agenda that follows direction from the President. Key themes from this agenda reinforce some existing management activities and introduce new ones, and tie to the use ofRead… Read more »

Information Technology Isn’t a Miracle Solution

We’re in a rapidly advancing technological age…I mean this article is being posted online and probably read on mobile devices and shared via social media. With every passing year (sometimes it feels like every week), it seems like there’s some new information technology (IT) platform to learn and integrate into our daily lives – forRead… Read more »