Posts Tagged: management

The six aspects of capturing Government contracts

With capture, many companies focus on the obvious: what are the company’s internal capabilities and the offering – and what can the company do in response to the customer needs. However, there are multiple other factors to take into account when capturing a contract that are all too often overlooked. There is no one rightRead… Read more »

Preventing The Miserable Workplace

Have you ever voted with your feet? Voting with your feet means you’ve left a job because you were absolutely miserable doing the work. You weren’t challenged by the work, you felt you were just a cog in a wheel, and no one really knew you for who you were, just the jobs that youRead… Read more »

New media changes the VA, Why Stepping up Matters, and How to have a Happy Conflict

New media changes the VA, Why Stepping up Matters, and How to have a Happy Conflict by GovLoop Insights The start of our second week… thanks for being here. And there was some significant news on Friday — a new nominee to be the Obama administration’s chief technology officer — Todd Park. Park has beenRead… Read more »

If we just had done a few things differently… OR 3 main problems with capture management

When my phone rings for proposal consulting work, about 90% of the time the story is the same: we’ve got a Request for Proposal in and we need you to help us immediately. I say – great, would be happy to help you. By the way, have you done any capture? I hear either “yes,”Read… Read more »

All About Clarity

Performance Management has been part of many workplace discussions for several years now. But many people—managers and employees alike—still don’t understand what it is and how it can help everyone. At its most basic, performance management is all about clarity: clear expectations about both performance and on-the-job conduct or behavior.And while it can take timeRead… Read more »

5 Basic Principles for Keeping Productive State of Mind

Do you ever yourself in a slump, mired in corporate politics, overwhelmed, or disenchanted? If you ever get in an unproductive state of mind, remind yourself of the five basic principles below. 1. Mind the fundamentals. Especially if we have been doing something over and over again, we grow bored with things. We hit aRead… Read more »

Top Ten Things You Need to Know to Manage Performance

Performance management is all about clarity: clear expectations about both performance and on-the-job conduct or behavior. While it takes time and effort to set up a performance management program, there are some things managers and employees can incorporate into their regular work activities. Here are ten things to know about performance management: Remember that performanceRead… Read more »

Task Order Proposal Management Best Practices

The NCA chapter has nearly 1,000 members, and is the largest APMP chapter worldwide. At our last Dinner Series event, three speakers, Lauren Hammond, Director of Proposal Management and Support for Management Concepts; Dan Shyti, Vice President of the L-3 STRATIS; and Wendy Frieman, Consultant, shared their task order proposal management secrets: Company size doesn’tRead… Read more »