Posts Tagged: management

Where Is Waldo?

George Washington University professor Kathy Newcomer likened the Obama Administration’s performance agenda to a game of “Where is Waldo?” at a Brookings Institution forum last week on improving government performance. She says “you have to look carefully” to find it. She said there was no orchestrated campaign with a band leading the way. Newcomer’s insightRead… Read more »

Choose Your Battles and Setting the Limits

In Congress the stakeholders’ desire to put just one more ornament on a piece of legislation leads to “Christmas Tree Bills” which often collapse under their own weight. Trying to pack too much into a project (or our lives) can lead to a diffusion of priorities and efforts. Keeping in mind an instructive saying thatRead… Read more »

Geeks to Wonks – Call for Projects from #SXSH

As a follow on to the CKO/CHCO and KM discussions the other day that lamented some of the technical and policy gaps in implementing enterprise knowledge and learning solutions, just captured the following from Twitter which may be of interest to folks here to make connections on #opengov projects. See also:

Let Sellers Talk to Buyers Early in Procurement

This piece was originally published for Bloomberg Government on 03/11/2011. The Obama White House announced plans in December to transform the way federal information technology projects are managed and executed. Its 25-point implementation instructions to federal agencies include many good ideas, from the adoption of light technologies and shared services to aligning the budget andRead… Read more »

Government Crisis Management

It’s not about putting a “spin” on the story; it’s about reporting the truth – first. Crisis management in a government, city, or organization requires a team of tactful professionals and a crisis management plan in place prior to an incident occurring. In no way should the tactics include putting a “spin” on the story,Read… Read more »

It Begins at the Beginning – Projects that Get in Trouble, Stay in Trouble

As gas prices rocket upward I am reminded of a small personal project I undertook a few years ago that holds lessons for many larger troubled projects in both the public and private spheres. It all started innocently enough when my wife asked me if I could mow the lawn one Saturday afternoon. Since theRead… Read more »

The Many Roles of an Internal Community Manager

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” When someone in the communications industry refers to a “community manager,” they are usually referring to someone that can manage the online relationships for a particular brand, using tools like Facebook, Twitter, and blogs. However, over the last few years, a new Community ManagerRead… Read more »

Influence culture to drive user adoption.

This article was originally published on Tri Tuns Blog. OBSERVATION People often talk about corporate culture but they really don’t know how to sufficiently explain / define it, how to influence it, or how it can influence an IT project implementation. You may have tried to define what the culture of your client’s organization isRead… Read more »