You Want to Innovate: How Do You Convince Your Manager?
Organizations that don’t innovate often fall behind. There are ways to overcome obstacles, though, and convince your manager to take a chance.
Organizations that don’t innovate often fall behind. There are ways to overcome obstacles, though, and convince your manager to take a chance.
I recommend the Dorling Kindersley (DK) Visual Encyclopedia to help you keep nurturing your intellectual growth and learn management skills.
As a manager, if you were doing something unintentionally that was negatively impacting your employees, wouldn’t you want to know? Read these eight scenarios to see if you are negatively impacting your workforce.
Confidently start your new manager role off on the right foot by performing these seven things.
Out of an abundance of caution — because we don’t know how this virus will play out — agencies need to prepare for this scenario. Here are some suggestions.
By trying these above tactics, and shifting your concept of what a leader should be, you’ll become a leader who uses their smarts to make everyone around them smarter and more capable. You’ll become a multiplier.
Many local civil servants choose public service over higher salaries or less stress. A great manager can make all the difference in choosing to stay.
At the end of the day, happy employees perform better. Make it a priority to motivate your staff. Listen, observe and help staff reach their full potential.
Managers should be interested in developing their workers. Employee development is good for morale and good for the organization.
It is that time of the year when, with grand intentions, many of us resolve to do something new or different in the coming year. If you want to improve performance or relationships at work I have a simple experiment for you to try – shift an assumption. Shifting an assumption is a critical factorRead… Read more »