Posts Tagged: mapping

The Power of Storytelling and Map Making

Recently I listened to the podcast: “American Futures” and the power of maps. The interview was part of the “American Futures” project, which is a joint endeavor of Esri and The Atlantic to describe America through journalism. The idea of the American Futures project was created by the Atlantic’s Jim Fallows. The podcast also includedRead… Read more »

Giving a “Google Search” a Whole New Meaning

Typing “how-to” into Google’s search bar can give instant insights into “how to tie a tie,” “how to build a computer,” and “how to cook artichokes.” “Googling” provides easy solutions for those seemingly impossible everyday tasks However, a new partnership has taken the technology we use to tackle the ordinary to accomplish the extraordinary. GoogleRead… Read more »

GovLoop & Esri Meet Up In Review: Story Maps

Last week, GovLoop and Esri hosted a GIS meet up, GovLoop & Esri MeetUp: Story Maps, the presentations featured Chris Liedel, President of Smithsonian Ventures and Lee Bock and Stephen Sylvia, who provided insights on how to leverage Story Maps templates. Post Highlights Be sure to view GovLoop’s recent interview with Esri President Jack DangermondRead… Read more »

Using the Force and ArcGIS Data Mapping in the Golden Age of Data

This week Esri has been holding various events to teach, collaborate with and get feedback from government agencies. The hope is that through this collaboration, Esri can continue to create tools and platforms such as ArcGIS that can be used by government agencies to help groups of people and the nation as a whole. ToRead… Read more »

Using the Force and ArcGIS Data Mapping in the Golden Age of Data

This week Esri has been holding various events to teach, collaborate with and get feedback from government agencies. The hope is that through this collaboration, Esri can continue to create tools and platforms such as ArcGIS that can be used by government agencies to help groups of people and the nation as a whole. ToRead… Read more »

Mapping a Customer’s Journey: An Exercise to Benefit Any Business Selling to Government

As the D.C. business community is dealing with many challenges these days, it is always good to keep all of your customer service capabilities as sharp as possible. With fewer dollars to chase, the competition is getting very stiff and contractors need to embrace new ideas for keeping government customers happy. I recently had theRead… Read more »

Redistricting Tools

Of late, a number of tools are popping up on-line to allow the average constituent redistrict their city/county, etc. While the one for Los Angeles has been available since May (facilitating a crowd-sourced effort), New York has recently made theirs available. The interesting twist on the New York release is that it is based uponRead… Read more »

[Update] Crowdsourcing Citizen Engagement: Tools for Information Architecture & “Wicked Problems”

UPDATE: For those who weren’t able to attend Paul Culmsee’s seminar, you can check out video and slides here. He starts with a great comparison of Government 2.0 in the US, UK, Australia and New Zealand and even riffs off a 2010 GovLoop discussion by Bill Brantley and Andrew Krzmarzick. Enjoy! /// Wanted to shareRead… Read more »

VERY COOL! 13 maps of the Ground Zero Mosque location

“Two blocks away” “600 feet away” “Near Ground Zero” “A stone’s throw away” “Not at Ground Zero” “Right there” There are many ways to describe in words the location of the controversial “Ground Zero Mosque” — all colored, of course, by your personal take on the project. While the above phrases are technically accurate, orRead… Read more »