Posts Tagged: Marketing

3 Secrets To Great Content Marketing

By Amy DeWolf In a recent post in Forbes, Jay Baer discusses the secrets to great content marketing. For government, getting your information in front of an audience is important. The more information you can provide citizens in an easily accessible manner, the better. For private organizations, great content marketing translates to dollars. So whatRead… Read more »

The Human Element of Communications

Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Google+, blogs and emails have changed the way government communicates with the public. But in order to have a true government transformation, you can’t forget about the people part of the equation. You can send out all the tweets in the world, but if no one sees them, or takes an action,Read… Read more »

Are You An Outreach Winner?

#Winning. It’s not just Charlie Sheen who can craft a popular tweet. In fact, even you can top Mr. Sheen because your tweets are not just popular – they’re also helpful and informative. Think about it: your engagement can help taxpayers save time, money and resources. And it’s not just about Twitter. Government is gettingRead… Read more »

3 Digital Comm Trends In State And Local Gov

In the past few years the scope of digital communications in government has gone through a tremendous change. Gone are the days when a simple press release would suffice. Now governments at all levels are responsible for communications outreach through many different channels; emails, social media, text messaging etc. For a local Parks and Recreation’sRead… Read more »

Great Content + Easy Access + Cross Promotion = Good Gov Communication

The government is home to troves of data – data that is timely, relevant and critical to you. However, getting you the information in a prompt, clear and concise fashion is a HUGE challenge for agencies. GovDelivery is trying to alleviate some of the challenges by sharing their digital communications best practices during the PowerRead… Read more »

The Power of Reach Tour – How To Get Your Message Out Effectively

It was the the tweet heard around the country: “CAPTURED!!! The hunt is over. The search is done. The terror is over. And justice has won. Suspect in custody” The first official announcement that law enforcement agencies had concluded their manhunt for Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev didn’t come at a press conference. ItRead… Read more »

Three ways to maximize the value of your GSA Schedule contract

GSA Schedule contracts can be a huge asset to your organization. They have been described as a “license to hunt” with government agencies for up to 20 years (if renewals are executed), but once you earn the Schedule status – you need to be ready to do the hunting. The question many contractors ask afterRead… Read more »

Marketing Isn’t a Bad Word

Reading Alan Pentz‘s recent blog post about the federal government and social media got me thinking about the federal government and marketing, in general. The government tends to shy away of the idea of “marketing” because it equates it with selling a product but marketing is about more than hawking wares. Marketing is also aboutRead… Read more »

New Data on How to Reach Government Customers

by Allan Rubin, Vice President, Marketing As today’s government shutdown clearly illustrates, it’s hard to get anything done when two parties are so far apart in their beliefs. Could the same communication breakdown be occurring between government marketers and our prospective customers? At some point (hopefully soon), they’ll be back at their desks browsing theRead… Read more »