Habit #5: Measure Productivity Productively
You can’t tell you’re improving productivity if you can’t measure it. Here are some tips on how to make the most of your productivity metrics.
You can’t tell you’re improving productivity if you can’t measure it. Here are some tips on how to make the most of your productivity metrics.
Everyone wants to improve customer experience. But you can’t improve unless you know where you are, and where you’re going.
It’s almost always worth focusing on what your office could measure because measurement influences nearly every aspect of operations and communications.
As we kick off 2014, we’re awash in PR trends and predictions. Here are six trends to watch in 2014. Here are 20 more. And another 10 more. But let’s look a little further ahead. And let’s start by looking at the implementation of standardized testing in our nation’s schools, the performance reviews of policeRead… Read more »
Nearly a year ago, the federal government relaeased its Digital Government: Building a 21st Century Platform to Better Serve the American People report. In that document, government officials set progressive and aggressive deadlines to keep digital government moving in a more citizen-centric direction. Those deadlines should come to fruition on May 23, 2013. As theRead… Read more »
In 1992 when some of you NextGen attendees were small, a report came out on applying entrepreneurial principles to make government more effective. Authors David Osborne and Ted Gaebler described why performance measures are important: • What gets measured gets done. • If you can’t measure results, you can’t tell success from failure. • IfRead… Read more »
Opinions of the federal government are at an all-time low. With only 17% of Americans holding a positive view of the work being done in Washington, we finally unseated the oil and gas industry for last-place on Gallup’s annual opinion rankings. And to be honest, it’s hard to blame them. Our federal government is jam-packedRead… Read more »
The New York City Police Department launched it vaunted CompSTAT more than a decade ago. This data-driven management approach inspired dozens of other cities and several states to adopt it to run their operations as well. Now it is being pioneered in federal agencies and will likely spread quickly with the encouragement of Congress andRead… Read more »
How far along is your agency in implementing the Customer Service Plan mandated in President Obama’s Executive Order 13571 – Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service? In my latest blog post, I’ve provided a recommendation for a Short Term Web Measurement plan to help you: Receive customer feedback Evaluate the entire customer experience AnalyzeRead… Read more »
I am a true believer of the following statements: That government employee’s work for less than what they could earn in the private sector. That our best public sector employees should be compensated with the best paychecks. That pay-for-performance is a great concept that should be applied as an incentive to encourage great workplace performance.Read… Read more »