Posts Tagged: media

Tweeting Disease — How MappyHealth Predicts Outbreaks

Can Twitter predict disease outbreaks? That’s the question the makers behind MappyHealth wanted to discover. MappyHealth mines twitter data looking for health term trends. The app tracks disease terms and associated qualifiers to present these social trends. Brian Norris is the Co-Founder of MappyHealth. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that, “we haveRead… Read more »

Curbing Future Terrorists with Online Engagement

Over the weekend, Politico published an opinion article on how the Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications (CSCC) within the State Department uses social media and web forums to engage with potential radical groups to help influence them against violence or becoming a part of terrorist organizations. Unlike commercial marketing teams that use social media toRead… Read more »

One week to NAGW! Can’t wait.

In just one week, I’m heading to NAGW’s 10th National Conference, which begins Wednesday, September 12 in Kansas City. I can’t wait. I always come back so fired up, and full of new ideas. If you’re like me, and want to get the most out of the conference, you’ll attend a couple of pre-conference sessionsRead… Read more »

The Death of Government Paper Records?

Last week, the President released a memorandum for Federal agencies to manage all permanent electronic records in an electronic format by the end of 2019, each agency due to develop and begin to implement their plans by the end of 2013. Following similar themes of open government and transparency, POTUS’s memorandum states that the objectivesRead… Read more »

Are you overwhelmed?

We’re in public service and that means getting the word out about the goings-on in government to the broadest reach possible. A few years ago we were webmasters. Today, we’re webmasters, digital media providers, social media managers, content managers, information architects, editors, and more. Today, we have to put information everywhere: on the web andRead… Read more »

Conducting Media Interviews: Ten Tips

Speaking to the news media can always be a tricky business, especially if you are not an official government communicator, former journalist, or have other expertise in the area of media relations and strategic communications. Therefore, these tips should be useful if and when you must face the “Beast” — particularly, if you’re conducting yourRead… Read more »

Media Relations: Shaping the Story — Part 2

In situational media relations, the perspectives of Government communicators and journalists (journos) may differ regarding conventional communications methods. Sometimes these differences are gaping on both macro and micro levels – that is, within Government agencies and news organizations. Evolution of the media landscape As the 21st century media landscape evolves at light-speed, with the increasingRead… Read more »

We’re Hiring a Part-Time Social Media Campaign Manager

Tuvel Communications is a market research and development company that combines human processes, social media and analytics. We collaborate with government organizations, technology companies, non-profits and associations to identify rich untapped market segments and convert them into engaged online communities. We develop and execute social media outreach campaigns, conducting market research and using customized communicationsRead… Read more »

VOST — It’s like the SWAT team for social media

Everybody needs situational awareness — that’s what they call it in the military — knowing what you need to know to make the best decisions. That is particularly true for emergency managers. Earlier this week, we spoke to Adam Crowe who suggested that emergency managment as we now know it is dead. His argument: socialRead… Read more »