Posts Tagged: media

Social Sentiment and Engagement Signals, at Oct 30 SF Symposium

I have released the speaker line-up for the fifth Sentiment Analysis Symposium, slated for October 30, 2012 in San Francisco. The symposium will feature speakers and panelists from leading firms (including Dow Jones, IBM, Infosys, J.D. Power, Thomson Reuters, and Toluna), start-ups, and academia. We’ll also, once again, have a solution-provider exhibit area for demosRead… Read more »

City of Houston Produces Video About Surviving a Workplace Shooter

Last week, the City of Houston’s Office of Public Safety, with grants from the Department of Homeland Security, posted a video called RUN. HIDE. FIGHT: Surviving an Active Shooter Event as part of their Ready Houstoninitiative. It’s a professionally done, six minute instructional video about what to do if someone were to open fire atRead… Read more »

Lessons Learned: Crisis Communications Online

Over the years, I’ve had the honor of either directly running or managing the people running EPA websites responding to various crises: 9/11 (that happened one month after I joined public affairs) Columbia Shuttle Accident Hurricane Katrina BP Oil Spill Radiation coming to the U.S. from the release of material from Japanese nuclear reactors followingRead… Read more »

Does Public Access to Government Prevent ‘Idiocracy’ or Limit Innovation?

By Sam Williford, Associate Consultant Recently, Governor Brown and the California legislature approved a bill that would allow local governments the option not to send out advance notice of public meetings, or provide minutes from closed sessions (known as the Brown Act, not related to the current governor), in an effort to stem the tideRead… Read more »

Voter Registration Moving to Facebook?

In the state of Washington, the Seattle Times has reported that voters will soon be able to register to vote using a new Facebook application. Currently, twelve states, including Washington, offer online voter registration. This move by Washington to social media, however, is the first. This application could quickly spread to other states already utilizingRead… Read more »

New Delhi Traffic Police Benefit from Facebook Collaboration

Software that is accessible by a large number of people often produces unexpected benefits due to its inherently collaborative nature. In New Delhi, overburdened traffic police have gained an incredibly cost-effective method of catching traffic violators. Thanks to New Delhi drivers who snap pictures of offenders and post them to the traffic police’s official FacebookRead… Read more »

Google+ Fosters Collaboration

What does Google+ have to offer the public sector that Facebook doesn’t? As a social network, Facebook currently dominates the social media arena with over 750 million users compared to Google+’s 43 million. However, there is a key design difference between the two sites that may benefit the public sector in the long term. ThisRead… Read more »

EXCEL 2012: July 31-Aug. 2, Dallas: Expert Training on EEO, ADR, Diversity Management

15th Annual EEOC EXCEL 2012 Examining Conflicts In Employment Laws (EXCEL) *** July 31 – Aug. 2 *** Dallas – Sheraton Hotel How much do you know about and understand equal employment opportunity (EEO) and diversity/inclusion within the Federal workforce? Do you know how to effectively manage and work with all employees regardless ofRead… Read more »