Posts Tagged: media

Facebook usage: a local perspective

Continued from last time… In my previous post, I explained that I’m trying to gather data on the number of social media users within a geographic area. I’m basically attempting to answer the question: “what is the actual take-up of social media in Hampshire?” (which is where I live and work). All change The OfcomRead… Read more »

FanBridge Ecosystem innovates Facebook Pages

A static Facebook page is the equivalent of a blank slate; dull, but still full of promise. Custom app development has allowed companies to inject excitement into their Facebook pages. However, apps require technical savvy and a considerable amount of time in the development stage. Apps also require excellent virtual real estate. Even the mostRead… Read more »

Talking to Reporters: Ten Tips

(pictured above: newsroom in action) For some Government employees — especially those not schooled in the art of public affairs and media relations — speaking to reporters may cause more anxiety than giving a big speech. PR-types often call upon SMEs, subject matter experts (a.k.a. “policy wonks”) to respond to technical and legal media inquiriesRead… Read more »

A Politician’s Guide to Social Media

With campaign season in full swing, this video is for public officials and political office candidates. In “A Politician’s Guide to Social Media”, Kristy shares several tips on using social media in the political space. She mentions former Rep. Andrew Weiner, Troy Mayor Janice Daniels, Newark Mayor Cory Booker, Politwoops and more. Get your ownRead… Read more »

Estimating Social Media usage within a geographic area

I’m an enthusiastic supporter of the adage ”go where the people go” if you want to connect with customers and service users. I believe it applies equally – if not more – in the virtual world, than the physical world. I don’t pretend to be an expert – far from it – but because IRead… Read more »

Five Lessons From Joplin Tornado – Social Media and Disaster Relief

By MICAH L. SIFRY Last week, I had the privilege of talking with Genevieve Williams and David Burton, two of the three authors of “The Use of Social Media for Disaster Recovery,” a 32-page guide built on the experiences they (and their co-author Rebecca Williams) had in the wake of the powerful and destructive tornadosRead… Read more »

To Hash or Not to Hash? A Decision Making Guide

Using a decision-making flowchart, this post helps people determine whether they should include one or more hashtags in their tweets. This guidance is offered as an extension of the recent post, 6 Tips to Avoid Making a Hash of Twitter Hashtags. The post also provides links to additional resources that enable both rookie and moreRead… Read more »

Sentiment Analysis Symposium call for speakers, and free videos from New York

The Call for Speakers is open for the next Sentiment Analysis Symposium, slated for October 30, 2012 in San Francisco. Whether you’re an experienced user or technologist, please consider proposing a presentation. Submit your proposal, by July 6, 2012 please, at Choose from among the suggested topics listed there, or surprise us! The SanRead… Read more »