Posts Tagged: media

Paywalls for media providers mean government agencies need blogs and social media more

With the news this week that Fairfax is following News Ltd in introducing paywalls to their major metro online news mastheads, organisations need to think deeper about their social media strategy. With a paywall strategy two things happen. Firstly a large number of people stop using the paywalled websites. For example it’s been reported inRead… Read more »

TV Seen as Most Influential-Is the Internet Really That Powerful?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com I was listening to a “Social Media Today” podcast where guest participants addressed the wonders of social media and all things internet. It was a love fest about the power and impact of social and internet use. While I share their enthusiasm about the “potential” of social, we still have a long way toRead… Read more »

Island GovCamp, interactive word clouds (Puffin shaped) and more…

This is the fourth in a series of posts about a recent trip to Orkney. Previous posts: Covered my visit from a personal perspective Talked about Northern BlueLightCamp; and A mini-post with an interactive Puffin-shaped word cloud This post covers some of the Island GovCamp sessions which took place over the weekend. Blogs and articlesRead… Read more »

Father’s Day Gift – Keeping your kids safe with Mobile Social

Happy Father’s Day. Now back to being a Father. As a Father, I am frequently amazed at the number of unknown and undiscovered dangers that are out there on the internet for our kids. Mobile Social meaning mobile social media, gaming, and apps that enable social networking from a mobile device is the newest danger.Read… Read more »

Q&A: Robert Derby of Sage Communications Discusses Why Agencies Like GSA Need Targeted Marketing to Save Taxpayer Dollars

As government agencies are continually under the microscope when it comes to the most effective use of taxpayer dollars, it is critical to make sure that all marketing efforts are targeted and offer the most ROI. The editorial team of FedConnects recently connected with Robert Derby, Senior Vice President, Branding and Marketing Communications at SageRead… Read more »

Why Feds Don’t Need Rebranding – Part I

Does the Federal Government need to rebrand itself, as some have recently suggested, due to low public approval, politically-charged rhetoric, and negative stereotypes of Federal employees? I think not. Rather, I stipulate that: 1) Rebranding Feds is unnecessary and inadvisable at this time, and 2) There is no real “crisis” for Feds that warrants aRead… Read more »

When Government Agencies Receive High Klout Scores, Does it Really Mean They Have More Clout?

IBM Center for the Business of Government recently issued a report that provides some very interesting social media insights for federal agencies: which agencies have the highest Klout rankings. If you are not familiar with Klout, it essentially measures your overall social media influence. For example, when you create content or engage through social networks,Read… Read more »

Reading the Riots – as presented at BlueLightCamp

This is the second part of a post about BlueLight Camp, an unconference for Emergency responders, and those who work with them. The session I want to talk about this time was run by Farida Vis. Farida was a member of the team that analysed the 2.6 million tweets generated before, during and immediately afterRead… Read more »