Posts Tagged: media

Government PR Flacks: Focus on the long-term relationships

Public relations is an evolving industry and it is interesting, especially in government, where there isn’t always an obvious sell to be made and rarely a profit to be earned. Steve Radick, Vice President at Cramer-Krasselt, joined Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER to talk about where the industry is headed. Social media has, in someRead… Read more »

Should Teachers and Students Be Facebook Friends?

A few weeks ago I asked in “What About the Kids?” if schools should offer online safety classes. Here’s another justification for it. I just came across “Should Teachers and Students be Facebook Friends?” on Education Week. Right now I’m Facebook friends with a few high school teachers, one from college and a few fromRead… Read more »

NAGC Communications School Preview: Astronaut Mike Foreman, Carmageddon, Media Relations, Social Media, etc.

The upcoming NAGC Communications School will be my fifth in a row to attend and I am looking forward to the 2012 offering with great anticipation. This year’s theme, “Government Communicators-Telling America’s Story”, exemplifies the responsibility and challenge we face each day. As government communicators we must spread the word about the programs and servicesRead… Read more »

BlueLightCamp: Weekend Camping (Pt1)

If you’re interested in use of social media by emergency responders, or ‘unconferences’, or both, you might like this blog post about BlueLight Camp in the UK: First thing in the morning on Sunday 15th April there was barely a cloud in the sky above Manchester. The sun shone, the sky was blue, and IRead… Read more »

Top 7 Ways to Engage Event Participants Online & Offline

If you’ve coordinated an event, you know the typical challenges. What are the topics you’ll cover? How do you keep participants informed and involved before and after the event? How do you increase participation? How do you build momentum for an event that’s months away? With restrained budgets and more pressure to justify attending anRead… Read more »

Social Web for Disaster Management Workshop Roundup & Be A Force of Nature

iDisaster 2.0, a blog about social media and emergency management, has collected papers from the Social Web for Disaster Management Conference 2012 Workshop recently held in Lyon, France. This coincides with NOAA’s collaboration effort with FEMA to launch the first National Severe Weather Preparedness Week. I think they’ve done a pretty good job of preparingRead… Read more »

How to Cause Panic: Television, Social Media and Emergency Management

Http://LeonardSipes.Com CBS “Sunday Morning” (best news show on television) produced “Casting a Skeptical Eye” on April 1, 2012 stating, “No fooling – it’s April 1st, which means we should be extra skeptical about everything today. But correspondent Mo Rocca says with technology letting mis-information and myths spread so quickly, being skeptical is good advice everyRead… Read more »

Social Media and Stress in Communications

Http://LeonardSipes.Com I wrote “Stress and Public Relations” last week and received comments and questions via e-mail, LinkedIn and Twitter. Most debated the reasons for stress in communications but several suggested that social media was a contributing factor. The original article was based on a findings from CareerCast/PR Newser on the ten most stressful jobs. Summary:Read… Read more »

Fear Factor – Bill Connor’s April 22 Column from

Solicitor General Donald Verrilli picked the wrong day to get the jitters last month. Fighting to keep The Affordable Health Care Act intact in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, he hesitated, he stuttered, he coughed, he gulped ice water – he didn’t make a strong impression. The New Yorker’s legal writer Jeffrey Toobin summedRead… Read more »

Stress and Public Relations

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Tonya Garcia from PR Newser reports on findings from CareerCast regarding the most ten most stressful jobs. Selected findings: Public relations officers were second on the list. Photojournalists were fourth. Newscasters (television and radio news presenters) ranked as fifth. Advertising Account Executives were sixth. Observation on the PR profession from the article, “This highly-competitiveRead… Read more »