Posts Tagged: media

“Bureaucracy” – Iron Cage to Social Network

I hate word “bureaucracy” because it degrades public sector workers at all levels. For many reasons, countless pejorative metaphors, theories, and political actions about public sector workers have decorated the iron cage. Public sector staff can weave webs supporting real collaboration, see contacts outside the hierarchy and rules; they seek out connections with people who… Read more »

The Changing Face of Citizen Engagement

“Why fix it if it ain’t broke?” This seems like an easy motto to live by. For many of us, change can be frightening, and sticking with the status quo is a comfortable option. But in today’s technologically driven world, change is a constant, and adapting is a must. Matt Leighninger, Executive Director of theRead… Read more »

Navigating the Four Pillars of Washington

Originally published in The Hill Washington is an eclectic city. It is a metropolis that is thriving economically and socially. Its architectural design is modeled after Paris and it is certainly a city of cultural diversity and historically interesting neighborhoods. Visually, the site of the monuments reflecting against the panoramic backdrop of the Potomac RiverRead… Read more »

Life in the Digital Age: Photo Essays and Images

Since early 2010 I’ve been creating photo essays and capturing and sharing images from around the world that illustrate life in the Digital Age. In addition to reflecting the latest digital trends and new applications, my goal has been to highlight some of the timeless and transitional aspects of the new era in which theRead… Read more »

Empowering Citizens with Money and Social Media

The White House’s Open Government initiative encourages citizens to become more actively engaged in budget decisions in their communities. How does this work in practice? Do busy citizens actually get involved? Inspired by successful efforts in Brazil and other countries around the world, several U.S. communities have undertaken pilot efforts to allow citizens to directlyRead… Read more »

Leveraging Your Company’s Social Media

GovLoop recently hosted an online training session “Does Government Need an Exit Strategy for Facebook?” that explored ways to increase your organization’s outreach through social media. While the session was jampacked with information, only so much can be explained in 60 minutes – and registrants had many questions that unfortunately went unanswered. But we madeRead… Read more »

Does Gov Need an Exit Strategy for Facebook?

You want every selfie and status update to get attention from your friends. But are all your friends seeing your posts? If they are, are you engaging them? Government organizations face this same challenge. Given Facebook and Twitter’s popularity in the last few years, federal, state and local organizations have worked to engage people onRead… Read more »