Posts Tagged: media

Salt Lake Valley Health Department launches Public Health Video Contest

Flying DEN to SLC last month, I met University of Utah public health professor Christy Porucznik. It was a convenient introduction; she was heading back to Salt Lake City after attending the APHA Annual Meeting, and I was looking for help making videos for SLVHD-TV, Salt Lake Valley Health Department’s YouTube channel. Porucznik and herRead… Read more »

EPA online

At a recent training conference I had the opportunity to learn a lot more about EPA’s online presence. Facebook, twitter, youtube… EPA seems to be trying its hand in the most popular online mediums available. I couldn’t help but wonder: What are other agencies doing in terms of “gov 2.0”? What lessons have been learnedRead… Read more »

What’s the Best Way to Follow SxSW From Your Desk?

SxSW Interactive, one of the best technology conferences you can attend, kicks off today in sunny Austin, Texas. Unfortunately, even though I’m only one mile away, won’t be attending this year. But that doesn’t mean I can’t keep up with what’s going on in my favorite sessions. At 2:00PM CST, Tim O’Reilly, the founder ofRead… Read more »

Three Reasons Why the Social Media Guidelines for UAE Government are Vital

Few days ago, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) eGovernment has officially released a set of guidelines documents; one of them was Guidelines for Social Media Usage in UAE Government Entities. The document offers a set of guidelines for the government entities in UAE to manage their presence on social media websites and take actions onRead… Read more »

Local Govs Should Check Out Location Check-Ins

This week, location based service Foursquare announced its new features to enhance the social check-in experience. They also reiterated their vision to go beyond “a game built on check-ins” into “making cities easier to use.” Foursquare isn’t just trying to find out whether you’re at the coffee shop or a night club; they’re gaining insightRead… Read more »

Digital America project looks at how state legislators use social media

Yesterday, my colleagues at DCI Group released an interactive map of the United States that details state government social media participation. This resource displays research that indicates at least 46 states have legislators actively using Twitter and more than one-third of these legislators are utilizing Facebook, putting access to state leaders at your fingertips. TheRead… Read more »

Online, Interactive Digital Engagement Governance – a.k.a. Approaching Social Media Governance as a Method

This will be the first in an ongoing set of entries about Interactive Digital Engagement Governance. Contact me or Navigation Arts in McLean, VA for more information, or for ideas regarding planning and implementing such a methodology at your organization. The concept of governance isn’t new at all to organizations building websites, whether inside (asRead… Read more »

March Get Redy and Red Cross Month

Feds hit social media geeting people ready! Get ready. Ready for what? Ready for almost anything. Sound impossible? Ready for everything is. Being prepared in general makes one more prepared. That is why Ready.Gov is using Twitter, YouTube, web sites, emails – even Facebook are being used to move people. Did I mention this isRead… Read more »

How Do You Measure Your Digital Reputation?

This last week, The Boston Globe covered Klout scores in the “Ascent of Social-Media Climbers.” The article by Beth Teitell shows how important digital reputation tools have become in the “real world.” Teitell states that individuals have even been fired for low reputation scores. As a social media user (GovLoop and beyond), how do youRead… Read more »