Posts Tagged: media

What Can Government Learn from a Cell Phone?

More and more government agencies are jumping on the social media bandwagon, but not all are starting with a social media policy. Some simply go forth and facebook, not realizing the ramifications of generating official information on a third party website. Are social media policies really needed? Yes. I’d like to use an analogy toRead… Read more »

#SMEMChat Fridays at 12:30 p.m. (ET)

Many of us in the #gov20 space are trying to sort through the conundrum of #crisisdata, the result of seemingly endless Facebook posts, tweets, videos, photos and more. There’s great work going on at Crisis Commons and they’ve literally helped people and save lives. For those of us in emergency operations centers and joint informationRead… Read more »

Goals and Objectives for the #SMEM Initiative – Request for Input

I’ve just added a section to the wiki to identify SMEM goals and objectives – what we would like to achieve by IAEM 2011 (and beyond) – so we are able to then work backwards to develop a clear plan of action and collaborate across all initiatives, presentations, meetings, conferences, etc. Consider what weRead… Read more »

How Well Does the PR Industry Promote Itself?

In a world of media overload and convergence everywhere, I wonder which media/PR companies do their own best marketing and outreach? I ran acorss an article on Etrade this morning which is worthy of a read, because all gov agencies have public affairs offices and many may use PR firms to help them with theirRead… Read more »

6am. No power. No social media and schools open

Today an explosion at the power plant took out power around 6 am. No phones, no lights, no internet, no tv, no tweets (my cell phone does not have internet access). Hearing “explosion at power plant” gave the impression of days, not hours of darkness. One long swath from Elizabeth N.C. through Chesapeake VA wasRead… Read more »

107 Trillion email in 2010 – Can we talk?

Its estimated 2010 saw 107,000,000,000,000 or (10.7 x 10^13) email messages sent world wide. Not text messages, nor tweets, nor blogs or web posts. Just email. Source: Now can we talk? Are we becoming a generation of readers or writers? How many emails are read, how many are spam or The ratio of emailsRead… Read more »

Personal Branding and Your Online Reputation

Personal branding The idea of personal branding has gained popularity in the last couple of years. It seems to mainly be used to refer to one’s online identity—meaning, mostly, what hits come up if someone Googles your name. Like product branding, the personal brand includes a number of values and ideas. It includes what peopleRead… Read more »

e-GOTV. Is it Real? Digital Strategies for e-Political Campaigning

Is e-GOTV a reality? What politicians, municipalities, or government agencies are doing it best? Last year, Ingrid Koehler wrote about Paden Noble’s work for Newark, New Jersey Central Ward Councilman, Darrin Sharif, in her piece “Social beats cash: a local campaign case study”. We appreciate that she credits us with the first use of Foursquare,Read… Read more »