Posts Tagged: media

What are the best blog platforms for Australian government departments?

Republished from eGovAU. If your Department or agency is considering getting started in blogging it’s worth considering the platforms that others in government are using to meet their needs. Looking across the Australian government, there are now at least several different platforms used to deliver successful blogs. For example the ABS’s Statistically speaking blog usesRead… Read more »

UK Local Gov Engagement Online Doctoral Researcher ( will be in NYC and DC in April

Dear all, I currently run the Local Government Engagement Online Research Blog in the UK, which is visited by government officials from all around the world everyday. I have been compiling alot of data on which local councils are using social media (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube) to engage with citizens online. I alsoRead… Read more »

How should we collaborate?

As the Social Media Subcouncil continues working to develop strategic social media recommendations and guidelines, questions regarding practical social collaborative models have emerged. After considering several options, the Social Media Subcouncil has arrived at four possible collaborative models we can use to deliver recommendations and guidelines to the Federal Web Managers Council: • Social MediaRead… Read more »

Beware the Social Media Police

Note: This blog entry was also published on my Reach the Public Blog where there are other entries on government-to-citizen communication, social media, and Web 2.0. I was discussing online communication plans with one of our clients recently, and I heard something that surprised me. “We’d like to use more social media, but we don’tRead… Read more »

Looking for local govs with great websites that utilize Gov20 / Web20 / SocMed Technology

I’m working on my GovLoop Project of the Week for the first week of April. I’m looking for cool local government websites that utilize Gov20 / Web20 or Social Media technology to improve services, reduce costs, etc. If you know of some great local gov websites, please post them to my profile or message themRead… Read more »

Peanut Butter Blogging and Open Source Adoption

My colleague Scott Johnson wrote a couple of interesting blog posts over on the Rock Creek blog this week. One focuses on the UK government’s announcement that they’re moving toward using open source software whenever possible; the other highlight’s HHS’s smooth use of social media during the sticky peanut butter recall (pun intended.) Both ofRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 – Meet the new Hype, same as the old Hype

Judas? Not quite Lest I be confused with non-web 2.0 enthusiast or, worse, proclaimed contrarian to the very type of forum where I’m contributing by this writing, let me offer a blatant caveat right up front here: I’m a web 2.0 advocate and believer, a regular social computing junkie, and generally optimistic guy. I useRead… Read more »