Posts Tagged: media

The rise of the “Third Estate”…

Excerpt for govloop… To get the blog rolling, I think it would be best to level set what “The Rise of the Third Estate” really means. I will assume most interested readers will have a background in Social Media and what can be termed as Web 2.0 / Web 3.0, etc. It is my hopeRead… Read more »

Social Niceities of Social Networking

I heard about some spam or self-promotion going on in GovLoop migrating into Linked In and it flashed back to the high school cliques. Could there be a SN storm? Too much spread too thin to think about? New tributaries, groups, fora, discussion boards and threads ramp across our many communities and blogs. Do weRead… Read more »

H R Clinton Discusses New Media Tools::Town Hall @ State Dept

Transcript Feb 4, noonish, while audience tummies rumbled, Secretary of State Clinton spoke about using new media, social networking sites, emerging technolgies and collaborative processes at Department of State and throughout government.HR Clinton Town Hall Blog 2.4.2009 New York Times 2.5.2009 Two minutes of the hour + meeting became the entire focus of this article.

In Need of U.S. Government Social Media Examples?

Just in case you haven’t seen this presentation from a Bev Godwin, Director, & Web Best Practices, Office of Citizen Services, U.S. General Services Administration on Government and Social Media (from March 2008), I wanted to forward along: It has some good examples of how social media is being used in U.S. GovernmentRead… Read more »

If I Don’t Know Who You Are, I Can’t Evaluate What You Say

I’m still thinking a lot about the culture of anonymity of the old Web, and what it means for the collaborative nature of 2.0. Lots of smart people at GovLoop chimed in, some agreeing strongly with my rant against anonymous comments, some telling me I was off base. It’s an important issue, so I askedRead… Read more »

President Obama and Social Media: Dreams and Reality

This is an article that I wrote for publication called “Media Bullseye.” Thought that it might be timely and I hope that you guys enjoy. Mark President Obama and Social Media: Dreams and Reality Shortly after the November elections, I began a meme, asking some brighter minds than my own what they thought the impactRead… Read more »

Social Media and the Federal Government: Perceived and Real Barriers and Potential Solutions

Social Media and the Federal Government: Perceived and Real Barriers and Potential Solutions SocialMediaFed Govt_BarriersPotentialSolutions.pdf December 23, 2008 Produced by the following members of the Federal Web Managers Council: Bev Godwin, GSA/ (Executive sponsor) Sheila Campbell, GSA/ (Co-chair) Rachel Flagg, Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (Co-chair) Jeffrey Levy, EPA (Co-chair, Social media sub-council) JoyceRead… Read more »

To blog or not – let’s try an experiment

Hello there! Thanks for reading my first-ever blog post on my own, as opposed to writing for EPA’s blog, Greenversations. I’m pretty active on Twitter @levyj413, talking about social media (aka Web 2.0) and esp. social media in gov’t, but I’ve never blogged in a normal-length format. I’m enthusiastically learning and exploring various social mediaRead… Read more »