Resolve Conflict through Relationship
When a disagreement arises at work, navigate to a mutual agreement in a way that maintains (or even strengthens) your working relationship.
When a disagreement arises at work, navigate to a mutual agreement in a way that maintains (or even strengthens) your working relationship.
Ten percent of conflict is due to a difference in opinion. Ninety percent is due to the wrong tone of voice. So what is the wrong tone of voice? Well, that depends on the history and wiring of both the sender and the recipient.
A Certified Mediator (CM) is similar to a national brand. When you select one you have some surety about the quality, experience and education of the CM. Most states have a mediation association and these professional associations provide credentialing criteria in order to obtain the CM designation.
If your company or agency has an established mediation cadre and policy on conflict resolution resources, you are in luck! The management of your organization has recognized the benefits of reduced workplace conflict. Familiarize yourself with these services and don’t hesitate to utilize them. It may also be helpful to refer co-workers who have shared… Read more »
Think of an incident in your workplace that was disruptive to productivity and cohesiveness — was it ever satisfactorily resolved?
Positions are the what, and interests are the why. Seems pretty basic; I guess I could stop right there, but let’s go on. As a mediator it is important to help each party explore not just what they want, but why they want it. This leads to a deeper discussion and better understanding of eachRead… Read more »
Can you think of a dispute you had recently that could have benefited from a structured conversation?
The cost of conflict avoidance is real.
I’ve been reading Kenneth Clokes great book entitled “Mediating Dangerously.” Chapter Three is titled “Honesty and Empathy: Speaking the Unspeakable.” I am often at a loss for words in explaining what Mediators do, and I believe Ken offers at least part of the answer here: “Increasing the depth and quality of empathy and honesty encouragesRead… Read more »
15th Annual EEOC EXCEL 2012 Examining Conflicts In Employment Laws (EXCEL) *** July 31 – Aug. 2 *** Dallas – Sheraton Hotel How much do you know about and understand equal employment opportunity (EEO) and diversity/inclusion within the Federal workforce? Do you know how to effectively manage and work with all employees regardless ofRead… Read more »