Beyond the Basics: How to Master Holding a Meeting
Over the course of my career, I have run hundreds of meetings, trainings and events in the corporate world, civic organizations and the government — and I’m here to share some tips.
Over the course of my career, I have run hundreds of meetings, trainings and events in the corporate world, civic organizations and the government — and I’m here to share some tips.
Try the council circle practice at your next staff meeting. You will create more honest discussions, realize increased efficiencies and build increased engagement while getting meaningful work accomplished.
Come prepared and ready to make the most of each one-on-one meeting. Instead of asking the same old stuff each meeting, focus on driving action and improvement through these questions.
As a team leader, encouraging your whole team to bring their thoughts and opinions to the table takes intentional planning, but has the potential to bring out the best in each team member. Here are a few tips to cultivate a productive environment for your whole team during your next meeting.
When was the last time you savored every word in a five paragraph-long email? Or managed to endure an hour-long meeting without zoning out at least three times? Just because your answers were “never” to both of those questions doesn’t mean you have an abnormally poor attention span; it means that there is a disconnectRead… Read more »
A good meeting is a magical thing. Ideas flow, decisions are made, and everyone leaves invigorated and ready to take on the world. The problem is that good meetings – like most magical things – are rare beasts indeed. What should be a fantastic team tool often turns into a slogging, frustrating experience where nothing gets accomplishedRead… Read more »
Please share a success story from your work in the last month. Last year, I asked staff to respond to this request in a meeting. And the response I got surprised me: silence. Unfortunately, staff could not identify one; not because they hadn’t done great work, but because they were lost in process, policy andRead… Read more »
Even if you’ve left Chemistry 101 behind, note-taking is still a skill that can help you through life. Studying for a certification, taking notes at a lecture, or even just remembering the results of that hour-long meeting you just sat through will all be easier if your notes are effective. Studies done on learning retentionRead… Read more »
What do you know about the clerk working in your city our county government? We’re guessing probably not a lot. However, a clerk in your local government is constantly doing a lot of work — mostly behind the scenes that you may never know about. And the fact is, the job of a clerk is criticalRead… Read more »
We just completed the first step of our City strategic planning process for the next three years. Regardless of your status in the pecking order, if your organization has a strategic plan, someone is likely to ask you how you connect to it. This is a valid question. If your assignment obviously aligns with yourRead… Read more »