High to Low to High Again; Yes, You Can
I wanted to share this story for you women and men who are at a time in your life where you aren’t happy and you can’t quite see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I wanted to share this story for you women and men who are at a time in your life where you aren’t happy and you can’t quite see the light at the end of the tunnel.
The question remains, “How can we fulfill our need to ‘socialize’ when we are supposed to practice ‘social distancing’?” Here are some things you can do to be social in a socially responsible and physically distant kind of way.
Career, Leadership, Learning, Professional Development
What I have discovered is that we often feel anxiety, stress, panic in times that we are out of control – or perceive a loss of control. What I have also realized is that many of these simple tools can help us in our jobs as government employees.
Learning, Professional Development
Let’s explore how self-compassion might lessen your fears and anxieties during this difficult time. How it might give you just enough mental clarity to take a clear-headed approach to whatever comes our way. It’s worth a shot, right?
Mental health days are good for you. Here are some tips on how to take a mental health day without having any negative consequences.
What does this time of the year mean for you? Is it really the most wonderful time of the year? Why, or why not?
Situational stress may be inevitable in local government, but creating a healthy, supportive and positive work environment is imperative to reduce burnout and occupational mental health issues.
Feeling sadness or loneliness in the workplace is not uncommon. There are times we go through a difficult work-life experience.
Career, Professional Development
When storms come (literally or figuratively), remember that the pain will eventually go away or become more manageable. Remember that you have what it takes to weather that storm. Remember that you are not alone.
Career, Professional Development
Tips to cope with burning the candle at both ends while maintaining your mental health.