Posts Tagged: mentor

I’m Retiring — Now You Want Me to Mentor

On August 7th, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) issued final regulations to allow eligible Federal employees the ability to work 20 hours per week, while receiving half of their pay and half of their retirement annuity. Under the Federal Phased Retirement law, employees who take advantage of the new flexibility, will be required toRead… Read more »

How Can You Make Real Change? Use the Three R’s

“Scared Straight” versus “Relate” As Human Services Administrator for the City of Santa Clarita, California, I oversee programs that help young people find jobs, resist drugs, get healthy, learn new skills, and avoid gang membership. We invite ex-gang members to speak to “high-risk” teens and we show teens in our Community Court program videos thatRead… Read more »

Should You Be a Mentor?

If you’re considering becoming a mentor, let me start by saying good for you! It can be such a rewarding experience watching and helping someone grow. If you’re feeling the pull to mentor, I believe you should trust your gut. You don’t have to be an expert at coaching or the top of your fieldRead… Read more »

Federal-Wide Mentoring Program for New Employees

It’s time for us to invest in our future government leaders from the moment they join our workforce! Do you remember your first days when you became a federal employee? And do you wish you had someone to talk to or go back and maybe do something a little different? Are you just starting yourRead… Read more »

Get promoted faster

A great way to get ahead and a smart way is to get a mentor. A mentor cuts your learning curve. They’ve already been through what you are going through. But finding a mentor requires you to take the initiative. When I started out as a letter carrier, don’t get me wrong, I loved myRead… Read more »

NCMA DC Chapter Speed Mentoring Event – February 28, 2013

REGISTER AT THE LINK BELOW: “What advice do you have for new contracting professionals?” “What type of training are leaders recommending for career development?” “How do I handle making a mistake?” These are just some of the questions and concerns that are on the minds of many of today’s acquisition professionals. In response, theRead… Read more »

Ten Things Your Boss Should Be Saying to You

In my last post, I talked about the ten things you should be saying to your boss. Now it’s time to look at the other side and share ten things that your boss should be saying to you. “What do you think?” Your boss should value your opinion and contributions and frequently ask for yourRead… Read more »

When your work family experiences the worst

Two weeks ago, my former association lost a long time employee after a rather short illness. He was just 57. He was very highly respected amongst his professional colleagues (of both political parties), his former colleagues, his high school friends, and pretty much anyone else who interacted with him. He was a social guy withRead… Read more »