Achieving New Military Readiness Standards Through Cloud-Based Platforms
How can cloud-based platforms help DoD attain new military readiness standards? GovLoop’s recent online training addressed those issues.
How can cloud-based platforms help DoD attain new military readiness standards? GovLoop’s recent online training addressed those issues.
Over the past 100 years, a patchwork of services and care have evolved to support returning veterans and their families.
Whether a current service member or a veteran reentering the civilian workforce, look at cybersecurity training options.
When the military is able to properly ingest, sort, store and analyze data about its equipment and vehicles, it can predict everything from machine failure to maintenance needs before breakdowns happen, saving effort, time, money and possibly lives.
In any workplace, diversity is essential to success. This is doubly true in government. There’s one group of people, however, who are not often thought of when it comes to diversity: military spouses. That’s a shame. Read why here.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates an American takes his or her own life every 16 minutes and that suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in the United States. If you are observant and brave enough to ask someone that seems to be depressed if they are thinking of killing themselves,… Read more »
This article discusses why and how Veterans can buy military service toward their Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) with special guidance for Military Academy graduates.
How my hate for gym class made me a public servant.
Since 9/11 there are plenty of veterans who have left the service and have gone into government service. Veterans can be your best employees and coworkers, if you let them.
Have you every wondered what’s happening behind the secured walls of a military base? Who lives there? Oftentimes, life on a military base can be very isolating from the neighboring community. It’s often difficult for service members to integrate themselves effectively with the surrounding community and vice versa. But that’s all changing. Thanks in largeRead… Read more »