Posts Tagged: Millenials

11 Ways to Keep Millennials in Government

A couple weeks ago, OPM released a report on millennials in the federal government. The major finding? Those born after 1981 are satisfied with their jobs, but frustrated by the lack of reward and advancement. It’s not necessarily rewards in the monetary sense, but rather failure to recognize innovation, hard work, and creativity. Currently, millennialsRead… Read more »

What Do We Know About Inter-Organizational Networks?

As Millennials join the workforce, they are bringing their propensity for social networking into the workplace. As a result, network-centered approaches to doing work will likely become more prevalent. Government and non-profits have already been pioneering the use of collaborative networks over the past two decades to solve complex societal challenges such as clean waterways,Read… Read more »

How to Communicate 101

It’s that time of year again! The next two days we’ll be blogging from GovLoop and YGL’s Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Follow along @NextGenGov and read more blog posts here. Mail, Memos, Meetings and Memes – Communicate All The Ways Speakers Michael Lawyer, Special Assistant to the Chief Human Capital Officer at DepartmentRead… Read more »

5 Tips for Managing a Multigenerational Workplace

Do you manage a multigenerational workplace? These five tips can help you out. If you’ve got a wide age range of employees in your office, you’ve probably noticed they have different work styles. In addition to handling projects differently, they can also clash with each other, creating a less-effective team and increasing employee turnover. WhileRead… Read more »

Millenials, Lego, and the Perimeter of Ignorance

Every time I read an article about Gen Y or Millenials I run it through this litmus test: throughout the text, can you replace “Millenial” with “employee” with no loss of meaning? “[Employees] want meaningful work, they want to do things that are making an impact and if they’re not in a good environment whereRead… Read more »

How Long Should I Stay Here?

Each year, our organization hires a group of recent college graduates into our human resources intern program. The interns spend the next two years traveling throughout the Department learning the ins and outs of processing HR actions, the culture and a bit about themselves. The program culminates with graduation and an honest Q&A session withRead… Read more »

Recruiting Gen Y to Government – “Do Good”

Much has been written about the incoming retirement tsunamai in government and the potential brain drain. While there are many pieces to the government workforce problem (retainment issues, attracting mid-level hires, how to tap into retiring govies), an integral piece will be the government’s ability to attract Gen Y workers to government service. Just todayRead… Read more »