Posts Tagged: modernization

Why Should Agencies Modernize Applications?

Not only does modernizing your agency’s applications mean spending less on costly, outdated systems, it also leads to a more streamlined and agile portfolio. Modernization cuts the clutter, so to speak, and eliminates unneeded outdated applications, enabling changes and updates to be made much more rapidly and effectively throughout the enterprise.

Weekly Roundup July 31, 2015

The IBM Center’s Weekly Round Up highlights articles and insights that we found interesting for the week ending July 31 Hope for the DATA Act.  Hudson Hollister, the head of the Data Transparency Coalition, was interviewed by Federal News Radio on his take of the status of the implementation of the DATA Act, which requiresRead… Read more »

Planning the Data Center of the Future Requires More than Technology Alone

Agencies today are being asked to do a lot with their data. With information generated by new sources – from social media outlets to mobile devices – agencies must store, monitor, organize, access, and, most importantly, make sense of data in a way that allows them to best serve the American citizenry. The data centerRead… Read more »

Internet of the Things You Can Do in Government IT

The Internet of Things (IoT) is making a huge impact on the public sector and changing the role of everyday devices, from watches to thermometers. As government’s understanding of the IoT expands, agencies are now thinking in terms of what they can do as a result of these connected devices. This is what we defineRead… Read more »

Follow the New IP Part IV: Putting Control in the Hands of Government

What is the New IP? If you’ve been following my series on Federal Insights, you may know that the New IP is an emerging networking foundation for innovation based on open standards, and a software-defined, highly dynamic and user-centric infrastructure. As we enter a cloud and mobile driven era, IT infrastructure must be modernized toRead… Read more »

Free IT Dollars for Innovation

Over this series of Federal Insights posts, we’ve put together a checklist to help agencies make the shift to the New IP. The New IP represents the networking industry’s recognition that legacy networks, which account for a large part of the federal government’s infrastructure, can limit innovation. The New IP is an emerging networking foundationRead… Read more »