Posts Tagged: modernization

Stop Focusing on Vanity Metrics and Optimize the Government’s Data Centers

It has been almost five years since the federal government launched the Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative (FDCCI). The initiative called for agencies to reduce the government’s 3,100 data centers by 40 percent. This effort was anticipated to save the federal government as much as $5 billion by 2015. However, instead of moving steadily towards achieving theseRead… Read more »

“Stat” Movement Turns Twenty

Harvard’s Bob Behn has been working on his latest book about the “-Stat” movement for more than a decade. I’ve been eagerly awaiting its release and told him I would read and share my impressions with others. In his inimitable response, he just asked that I spelled “Behn” and “PerformanceStat” correctly. Since 2001, Dr. BehnRead… Read more »

To Trust – or Not

“Trust but verify” was President Ronald Reagan’s mantra during the Cold War. But today, “trust” is a key element to creating effective cross-agency networks to get things done. But what, exactly, is “trust,” and how do you know what to look for? Increasingly, addressing public management challenges requires the use of collaborative networks across aRead… Read more »

New: Progress Reports on Agency Priority Goals

OMB releases first quarterly progress reports for the 2014-2015 round of agency priority goals. The Obama Administration in 2009 directed agencies to identify a small handful of priorities that they would commit to achieving in a two-year timeframe. This initiative was embedded into the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010. Agencies are required to identify priorityRead… Read more »

Are We There Yet? Progress on CAP Goals

“Today the Administration is releasing detailed action plans for the fifteen CAP goals,” announced Office of Management and Budget deputy director for management, Beth Cobert, in a blog post in late June. These four-year goals were first announced with the release of the FY 2015 budget back in March. Cobert’s announcement accompanies the first roundRead… Read more »

The Secret Sauce of Effective Progress Reviews

Agency chief operating officers are required to conduct quarterly progress reviews on priority goals. Sometimes called “PerformanceStat” meetings, they can be effective problem-solving sessions or terrifying blame games. So, how do you make PerformancStat meetings effective? OMB says that these review meetings should be constructive and focus on learning. Astute observers, such as Harry HatryRead… Read more »

Cross-Agency Priority Goals: 2014 (Part 1)

OMB released a refreshed list of cross-agency priority goals for the remainder of the Obama Administration. There are 15 goals, seven mission-related and eight management-related. Only three carry over from the previous set of commitments. Following are edited excerpts from Cross-Agency Priority goals address the longstanding challenge of tackling horizontal problems across vertical organizationalRead… Read more »

Promising Practices for Interagency Collaboration

GAO has issued a series of reports over the past three years identifying more than 80 areas where there is potential duplication and overlap. It observes that “agencies face a range of barriers when they attempt to work collaboratively.” On occasions, the Government Accountability Office breaks the mold for its reports and looks for thingsRead… Read more »

OMB’s New Annual Strategic Reviews

Federal agencies this year will be subject to a new statutory requirement. A new law requires the Office of Management and Budget to annually determine if agency programs meet goals set out in their annual performance plans. To do this, OMB has created a new review process. A provision of the Government Performance and ResultsRead… Read more »

Required Reading: New Agency Strategic Plans

Set your New Year’s resolutions now! In early 2014, for the first time federal agencies will simultaneously submit refreshed strategic plans to Congress, covering the next four years. You should put them on your “must read” list for the new year. Many agencies have been quietly posting their draft strategic plans on-line for public comments,Read… Read more »