Posts Tagged: morale

FEVS 2013: job satisfaction declines again; how did your agency fare?

In case you missed it, the 2013 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) was issued by OPM on Friday. Federal Times reports: “Federal employee job satisfaction ratings dipped again this year across a broad array of yardsticks.” “Of 77 areas measured by the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey, 53 showed declines in satisfaction and most of theRead… Read more »

The shutdown is over – resentments remain?

We’ve been away for some time now, so please don’t expect that we can return to normalcy in a day or even a week. We need each of you to take time, each hour, to check on your co workers and offer encouragement and comfort where necessary. We are one team, the best team inRead… Read more »

Shutdown Ramifications (Part II): 3 Hidden Costs to Federal Workforce

Now that a semblance of normality has returned to Washington it’s time to ask an important question: What are the shutdown’s costs to the federal workforce? We know the tangible costs in terms of dollars. But what about the hidden costs which are more difficult to measure? In addition to lost economic productivity and America’sRead… Read more »

Putting the S.O.U.L. Back in Your Work

Only 43% of you think you will be rewarded or promoted in your job. And only 36% think creativity and innovation are rewarded. Those are some bleak statistics. So how do you stay inspired and empowered in your job? “It’s the S.O.U.L,” says Sariane Leigh. Leigh is a management and program analyst for the GearRead… Read more »

Choosing it to be a Good Day – Improving your work life by adjusting your attitude

Hundreds of unread emails, regulatory requirements, acquisition holdups, antiquated technology – in the government it seems there is always something to complain about. But that endless cycle of negativity can not only impact your job performance but your life too. Anya Kajich is a Supervisory Public Health Veterinarian for USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service.Read… Read more »

Do you like where you work?

Do you like where you work? It seems like a simple question on the surface, but for agencies who are fighting for personnel, budgets and morale the question is gigantic. So every year the Office of Personnel Management goes out to agencies and asks that question. In the past few months OPM has asked 1.6Read… Read more »

The Simple Sabotage Field Manual, Cubicle Edition

Behold, published in 1944, the Simple Sabotage Field Manual. In its original context, the SSFM was applied to allied sympathizers in occupied territories during WWII. Today, the field guide has stunning applicability to 21st century organizations and employees. This blog reframes the Simple Sabotage Field Guide’s “tips and tricks” as a set of guideline forRead… Read more »

I Got Furlough Fever, and the Only Prescription is….

More cowbell !! No, not really. Look, there’s a lot of emotion in the Federal employee community right now. We want to protest (WP: Fed workers protest shutdown). We have a million questions (GovLoop: Ask About the Shutdown). We want to get practical (GovLoop: Preshutdown Top 10 ToDo List).  We’re thinking ahead (GovLoop: WhatRead… Read more »