Posts Tagged: mostcomment

Wiki Inspiration. Iteration. Collaboration.

I have been fortunate to have the immense honor of working with the Social Media Subcouncil of the Federal Web Managers Council over the past several weeks. And though I am *just* in State government, I am so inspired by the amazing people that I have “met” and collaborated with via Facebook, Twitter, GovLoop, andRead… Read more »

What Does ‘Transparency’ Really Mean?

At CGI Federal, where I now work as a “thought leadership” editor, we’ve been mulling the meaning of transparency lately. Current parlance seems to have it meaning things like posting legislation and regulations for comment, posting videos of speeches and directions via YouTube or other such services, agencies getting on Twitter. All sorts of public-facingRead… Read more »

EPA’s Approach to Social Media and Accessibility

A few weeks ago, there was a vibrant discussion on the Gov’t Web Mgrs Forum (open only to gov’t employees) about how to both ensure accessibility and use social media sites like YouTube. There are as many interpretations of what’s required and what’s best practice as there are people discussing these issues. So I tookRead… Read more »

Beginners Guide to Government 2.0 — Some Suggestions from a Practitioner

from I have talked before on a few occasions about how I think Government 2.0 will be a defining theme in our business over the next few years. It’s an inevitable change because the 2nd wave of the Web (notably social media, true collaboration, societal acceptance of user generated content, etc.) has taken hold.Read… Read more »

You’ll Never Get a Thank You

Government agencies rarely get thank-you letters from its citizens. When’s the last time a citizen ever wrote you to say you did a great job? When’s the last time you actually dealt directly with a citizen you are serving? But that is fine. As a nation, the U.S. is skeptical of government. It’s in ourRead… Read more »

A soft Twitter launch for the County…

… and waiting for the other shoe to drop! Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t do this by myself. We have a Web 2.0 working group comprised of representatives from the Library, Parks & Rec, Economic Development, Public Information, the IT Director, and the County’s CIO. We’re wrangling on how to best use these informationRead… Read more »

Is Bureaucrat a Bad Word?

Bureaucrat. For some people, the word conjures up a bad bad feeling. Kafkaesque nightmares. Dreams of a risk-adverse, say no mentality. Technically the word “bureaucrat” means member of a bureaucracy (defined as an administrative structure of a large or complex organization.” To me, I always liked the sound of the word. It sounded like someoneRead… Read more »

Social Media and FOIA implications

It seems to me that using 3rd party social applications can be a great boon for government in communicating and collaborating with its constituents. However, when a government entity uses Facebook, Twitter, blogs or other (free or hosted) applications, at what point does the agency become responsible to fulfill FOIA requests to posted comments, images,Read… Read more »