Posts Tagged: mostcomment

Big Day for Gov’t 2.0

So many things happened today that my head is spinning. If your head is spinning, too, you might appreciate a handy-dandy link list. U.S. Government YouTube hub: gives you quick access to all agency channels. White House blog post re: Gov’t 2.0: Bev Godwin highlights social media projects all across government. Features a video withRead… Read more »

Could Prediction Markets concept be applied to government projects?

Motorola uses a prediction market to gather new ideas from employees and predict their success based on how willing individuals are to buy “stock” in them. They launched a system called ThinkTank in 2003 to collect potential innovations. Employees are given $100K in virtual dollars to vote on ideas at $10 per share. Perhap governmentRead… Read more »

Pushing Collaboration Outside the Firewall

I’ve recently been evaluating social networking software for a non-profit agency and I saw a type of collaborative ability I hadn’t seen before. A couple of the higher-end products claimed the whiteboarding and project collaboration group areas could actually be pushed outside corporate firewalls to allow collaboration with outsiders. This seems intriguing given the newRead… Read more »

5 Ways Government’s Using Social Media for Recruitment

Originally published at FedManager’s E-Report on behalf of Young Government Leaders. In an essay entitled Federal Brain Drain to Brain Gain: Fixing Government College Recruitment released in mid-April, Stephen Anders (a Masters of Public Policy Candidate at the Harvard Kennedy School) recommended that Federal agencies should “increase their presence on social networking sites” like FacebookRead… Read more »

GovLoop Member of Week – I.J. Ezeonwuka

I.J. Ezeonwuka is one of my favorite people in public service. I first met her when I co-founded Young Government Leaders and she was an integral part of the team that took a 50 person happy hour group to a 501(c)(3) non-profit with thousands of members across the country. When I developed GovLoop, she wasRead… Read more »

Are the expectations for interacting the same for Linkedin, FaceBook, Twitter, etc.?

Are there different protocols for emailing your contacts on these different collaboration sites i.e contacts on Linkedin, friends on FaceBook, friends on GovLoop, Twitterites….? I recently read a blog Your LinkedIn Opinion: Would you find this offensive? that prompted this question. The author clearly has an expectation on receiving frequent updates through email. Most ofRead… Read more »