Posts Tagged: MSPB

Set up a Firing Squad

Bob Gibson posted an article in the April 16, 2012 edition of FedSmith saying that the best way for employers to prevail if challenged by an MSPB Hearing is to set up Firing Squads. Believe it or not, this is pretty good advice, folks. I’ve seen it in action and it works, provided the organizationRead… Read more »

Lessons Learned: Making Strategic Hiring Decisions

Director‘s Perspective Lessons Learned: Making Strategic Hiring Decisions In a downsizing environment, there are steps you can take to ensure your organization is positioned well to carry out its responsibilities. In the 1990s, the Federal Government downsized a considerable portion of its workforce using such strategies as attrition, buy-outs, early-out retirements, and some reductions-in-force. ItRead… Read more »

Help the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act (S. 372) Cross the Finish Line

Earlier this week, a broad coalition of groups sent a letter to members of the House of Representatives, urging them to pass S. 372, the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act. Over 90 groups have signed on to the letter thus far. As outlined in the letter, it’s absolutely imperative that this legislation, which reflects a trueRead… Read more »