Reality Check: Counties Assess Their Cyber Readiness
From the types of attacks that take place, constantly increasing vulnerabilities, and growing automation and digitization, it’s crucial that governments monitor their security.
From the types of attacks that take place, constantly increasing vulnerabilities, and growing automation and digitization, it’s crucial that governments monitor their security.
From the types of attacks that take place, constantly increasing vulnerabilities, and growing automation and digitization, it’s crucial that governments monitor their security.
In my continuing quest to ensure that local governments are recognized for the services they provide to the public, I bring you the first of several profiles of local government CIOs. With limited budgets, constraints from the county and state and under the unending watch of citizens, local technology departments are tasked with providing consistentlyRead… Read more »
“National County Government Month (NCGM) is celebrated each April by the nation’s counties to raise public awareness and understanding about the roles and responsibilities of county government. The 2011 theme is ‘Serving Our Veterans, Armed Forces and Their Families.’ More than 1,000 counties participate in NCGM each year by hosting a variety community outreach eventsRead… Read more »