The Country Taking CSI to The Next Level
A pilot program recently implemented in the Netherlands leverages augmented reality to send visual guidance from remote experts to crime scene investigators in the field.
A pilot program recently implemented in the Netherlands leverages augmented reality to send visual guidance from remote experts to crime scene investigators in the field.
Despite fear that terrorists could the information to start epidemics, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently announced they would release the “full details” of experiments done last year by research teams, at Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, and at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on the virus known as H5N1, that made the deadlyRead… Read more »
The Civil Servant 2.0 books have been widely read in the Netherlands and are now also available in English: Download the Civil Servant 2.0 book (pdf, 2.1 Mb) The first book (2008) explains the significance of web 2.0 for government in terms of its internal organisation, its relationship with the public, and the working methodsRead… Read more »
Used Google Translate to offer the GovLoop community a glimpse of what’s happening with a sister community over in the Netherlands: Week 28 … Again, no World Cup, a grand welcome in Amsterdam. Netherlands loves to celebrate. The heat of summer days and holidays will thus gradually affect the activities Also for editors. ThisRead… Read more »
I’ve been thinking a lot about the idea of community and how this applies to the digital world. It is something that a lot of people talk about, but I fear it is from learning the buzz words instead of from real understanding. The concept of a community is not new. In fact it isRead… Read more »
Over the past few weeks, I’ve stepped up efforts to connect with Gov 2.0 types outside of the U.S. Looking at the Twitter community in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, helped in this, as did tweets in Japanese about Gov 2.0 Camp LA. Monday, I learned about a mature and vibrant Gov 2.0-oriented community in the Netherlands,Read… Read more »