Posts Tagged: networking

How to Achieve an Awesome 2016 Career Resolution

Over the holidays, it’s easy to lose enthusiasm for your career. You’ve probably taken some quality time away from the office and you spent most of December juggling work with holiday and family obligations. As you move into the new year, though, you’ll want to get back on track. So as you set your resolutionsRead… Read more »

The No-Slime Method for Building your Professional Network: Part 1

Looking for a new job, concerned about a potential lay-off, wanting to reconnect with old colleagues, or have an amazing new idea you want to get supporters for? You’ve been told you’re “supposed” to network, but how to do it without coming off like some type of slimy salesperson? Building your professional relationships – often known as networkingRead… Read more »

How to Make the Most of a Government Conference

Conferences offer a unique experience to hear from experts, to network with colleagues in your industry, and to facilitate ongoing learning. However, you won’t make the most of the opportunity by simply showing up. Here are a few tested methods for ensuring you not only arrive, but thrive at your next conference. Make connections beforehandRead… Read more »

Networking to Build Coalitions

Do you have anyone in your life that will speak the truth to you? I’m speaking of unfiltered, unadulterated facts…Well NextGen speaker, Mary Abbajay of the Career Stone Group experienced a dose of “truth serum” when her sister explained, “ No one offers you anything because you’re not nice.” This pivotal moment became the startingRead… Read more »