Posts Tagged: new hire

Maximize Your LinkedIn Connections

Originally posted at After you register on, type the name of your target organization into the site’s search window. You will thereby generate a list of friends, friends-of-friends, and even friends-of-friends-of-friends who work at your target organization. Ask the contacts on your LinkedIn list for additional networking contacts, informational interviews, and leads forRead… Read more »

Arrogance, Confidence, and Insecurity

“The moment you think of yourself as great, your slide toward mediocrity will have already begun,” Jim Collins. “Wisest is he who knows what he doesn’t know.” Plato I read these quotes the other day and I really like them both. I think mainly because it is an interesting time for my career as forRead… Read more »

Recruiting Gen Y to Government – “Do Good”

Much has been written about the incoming retirement tsunamai in government and the potential brain drain. While there are many pieces to the government workforce problem (retainment issues, attracting mid-level hires, how to tap into retiring govies), an integral piece will be the government’s ability to attract Gen Y workers to government service. Just todayRead… Read more »

Dealing with Failure

When you are early in your career, mentors have often told me “you should take risks” and “if you aren’t failing, you aren’t trying.” While I understand their advice, it is still really hard to fail for the perfectionists out there. One of the best talks I’ve been to recently was Karen Evans from OMBRead… Read more »

Trade Magazine Round-Up

Lately I’ve been asking government employees what magazines/blogs/websites to get information on the government community and tips on their jobs. I usually get a puzzled look or maybe an apology saying they know they should read more. I actually read way too many magazines, blogs, newsletters about the federal government. I am here to giveRead… Read more »