Posts Tagged: newsletter

SUCCESS RULE #36 Learn To Let Go

In the last rule, “Learn to let it go” we talked about letting go of past hurt and bitterness. In this rule, we are addressing how to “Let Go”. Once your read this rule, you will see the difference. By following both of these rules, you will find a path to success much more attainable.Read… Read more »


Looking for the latest on Leadership books? Perhaps what has been written in the past on the subject that is stilll timeless. We do a free monthly newsletter to our clients who have taken our Leadership, Communications, Teamwork, or Personality workshsops with tips on Leadership and book reviews. Sign up here today to be addedRead… Read more »

How times have changed in the life of a local government communicator

Times have definitely changed in the life of a local government communications professional. Ten years ago, I held this position for a city of 70,000 residents and my options for reaching citizens were much more limited than for someone in a similar job today. Back then, I essentially had to rely on the bi-monthly cityRead… Read more »

Time for an E-Newsletter Review

It seems like everyone has some sort of electronic newsletter campaign now. Sure, it’s a great way to save paper, but is your publicity gem really effective? Is your e-newsletter generating click-through for your agency? What percentage of click-through is enough? There are lots of opinions on this, but here’s my take: There are alwaysRead… Read more »

Going Green: January Newsletter, and a new feature!

newsletter_jan09.pdf Here is the January newsletter of the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest Green Team! There is a new feature this month: a “Dear Gaia” column. If you have been reading/utilizing these newsletters at your office, please feel free to contribute questions! I’m also game for any suggestions/comments anyone might have. Has anyone been using this locally?Read… Read more »