Posts Tagged: NextGen

Building the Force of the Future

At the Next Generation of Government Summit, I was sitting in a room of nearly 700 public sector employees from every level of government. As I wandered that room, I asked these govies to tell me about themselves and, let me tell you, I was floored by the dynamism I found. Every person had differentRead… Read more »

Rethinking Leadership in the Everyone-Leads Era

“It’s ok to fall out of a tree.” “Maybe you shouldn’t climb that tree.” Henry De Sio broke the ice during today’s lunchtime keynote here at the 2015 NextGen Conference by bringing his two sons up on stage to share their leadership lessons. The boys were eager to share all of the info they’ve learnedRead… Read more »

Building Your Next Generation Network

The much-lauded federal retirement tsunami is upon us. More than a third of career federal employees will to be eligible to collect their end-of-career benefits by September 2017, compared to just 14 percent at the same time in 2012. The impending knowledge gap is going to be tremendous — thousands of career feds leaving the government andRead… Read more »

How Full is Your Bucket?

After attending GovLoop’s NextGen training summit this past July, our group was so inspired that we started to pursue our own NextGen employee resource group. As of last week, we are now officially recognized by our Agency as NextGen@DCMA. One of our NextGen@DCMA goals is to bolster the culture of our Agency where people feelRead… Read more »

Rugby at Work?

My life-long mentor and former rugby coach, Gordon Campbell, once stressed the importance of controlled aggression.  I swear one day I will write a book entitled, Life’s Lessons from a Rugby Pitch.  Rugby is a game of elegant violence.  The adage is that although soccer is a gentlemen’s game played by hooligans, rugby is aRead… Read more »

Moving Past ‘No’ to ‘Yes…And’

Innovation is scary in the federal workspace. Although the Department of Defenses’ Better Buying Power initiatives call for the ‘elimination of unnecessary process and bureaucracy,’ people are scared to let go. I have a secret for those people, they don’t have a choice. Tomorrow’s leaders do not care about the way it was done inRead… Read more »

Trust: Secret Ingredient to Transform Everything

Author and speaker Barry Rellaford opened the NextGen session “Leading at the Speed of Trust: The Key Leadership Competency of the New, Global Economy quoting the latest Harvard University’s Institute of Politics poll about Millennial’s trust in government. Harvard’s poll showed Millennials, have lost trust in different major public institutions ranging from the President toRead… Read more »

Fight, Flight, or Play: Learning Conflict Resolution Skills Through Improv

It’s that time of year again! The next two days we’ll be blogging from GovLoop and YGL’s Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Follow along @NextGenGov and read more blog posts here. NextGen Interactive Workshop: Improve@Work Speaker John Windmueller Organizational Training Manager of Improv@Work Washington Improv Theater (WIT) “Improv skills are life skills” Smiles everywhere.Read… Read more »

Innovation Lessons Learned from 5 Government Case Studies

Public sector leaders gathered today to learn about innovation in government. We’re blogging from the Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Follow along @NextGenGov and read more blog posts here. This afternoon I had the chance to sit in the Innovation in Government session of the Next Generation of Government Summit. The collaborative session connectedRead… Read more »

4 Ways to Avoid the Disconnectivity Paradox

Kate Otto speaking at the Next Generation of Government Leaders Summit We’re blogging from the Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Follow along @NextGenGov and read more blog posts here. The next two days we’ll be blogging from the Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Follow along@NextGenGov and read more blog posts here. Is technologyRead… Read more »