Posts Tagged: NextGen

Write Better, Think Critically

For the next generation of government leaders, Nick Charney has several strategies to give your writing edge. And why should you care? According to him, “The ability to affectively communicate information is what puts you above everyone else.” With left-brain, creative skills of increasing importance in our economy, what differentiates you is the ability toRead… Read more »

Leading with Risk

Making decisions is never easy — and some might argue that it is even more challenging today because things change SO quickly. How do you make the best decisions? That is one of the issues we’ll be talking about later this month at the Next Generation of Government Training Summit taking place July 26-27 hereRead… Read more »

Panel: Leveraging Social Media Skills

Leveraging Social Media Skills Social media has come a long way within government agencies. Two years ago, 55 percent of agencies blocked social media sites and that is down to 19 percent today with some room for improvement. This session provided an overview of the value of digital media, its uses, trends, tips and aRead… Read more »

NextGen Recap: 23 Year Old Mayor Morse of Holyoke, MA

Mayor Morse is a 23-year-old Mayor from Holyoke, Massachusetts. Morse was born and raised in Holyoke, which is in Western Massachusetts, just outside of Springfield. Morse stated that the city has about 2,000 employees. Mayor Morse was the first in his family to go to college, and graduated from Brown University in 2011. Mayor MorseRead… Read more »

Recap of the Next Generation of Government Lightning Speakers

The participants for the lightning speakers came from a competition that took place on GovLoop, each participate had 5 minutes to talk about their job and the cool initiatives they are working on. “Nature 3.0 – Using Technology to Connect People with nature” Michael Gale, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Michael Gale of US FishRead… Read more »

Lightning Speakers, Mayors, Awards – Still to Come at NextGen Day 1: Tune in!

We’re winding down Day 1 of the Next Generation of Government Summit, but we got a lot of exciting speakers coming up in our closing session. Don’t forget you can check us out live at I’d highly recommend you tune in for the closing sessions. Here is the lineup: Lightning Speakers “Nature 3.0 –Read… Read more »

NextGen Breakout Session: How to make your next meeting not suck

How to Run an Effective & Efficient Meeting Jennifer Stanford, Chief Executive Officer, Emergent Performance Solutions How do you make a meeting not suck? “Meetings are a necessary evil.” These infamous words were uttered by Jennifer Stanford, CEO of Emergent Performance Solutions during a breakout session at the NextGen conference in Washington, D.C. A recentRead… Read more »

Civic Engagement and Open Innovation: Engaging Stakeholders in 2012

In an environment with decreasing resources and often increasing expectations for government performance, local government innovators are springing up in cities across the country. The three panelists for this session are working to make “government a platform”, providing the tools for citizens to engage with the city, tools which can be utilized to provide importantRead… Read more »

NextGen Attendees Learn Tips for Interacting With Congress

This breakout session was led by Kenneth Gold, Director of the Government Affairs Institute at Georgetown University. Dr, Gold shares has first-hand knowledge of how federal programs can more effectively plan, manage, and budget for those programs, and better represent those programs before Congress. Agencies Work With Congress For their Budgeting Every agency puts togetherRead… Read more »