Meet the NextGen Award Winners
Meet the 2019 NextGen award winners!
Meet the 2019 NextGen award winners!
Take our quiz and get matched up with the NetxGen sessions that are right for you!
Making some summer resolutions can help you stay energized, motivated, and focused at work and at home.
We are not all doomed to a lifetime of anxious, hurried unproductivity. A few simple steps can save us from ourselves, and the avalanche of work crashing down on us.
GovLoop just added two new speakers to the NextGen lineup. Check them out!
The 2019 Next Generation of Government Conference features a smorgasbord of exciting speakers who will be speaking across a range of formats, from keynotes to breakout sessions to workshops.
Scores of people fail to enter or advance careers in government workforces daily. Why? The culprit might be how they share their accomplishments.
Learn how to create a strong case to attend government professional development opportunities.
Whether you’re in a supervisory position or an entry-level one, understanding how to give and receive feedback is an important part of doing your job well.
Nominate the best and brightest in government for a NextGen Public Service Award.